Friday, April 27, 2018

Eurovision fans laugh at 'hilarious' list of items banned from the contest

Shopping trolley, golf balls and laddersImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Some Eurovision fans are finding the list of items banned from the contest this year "hilarious".
Shopping trolleys, ladders, extension leads and golf balls are included on the list of prohibited items.
The singing contest is being held in Lisbon, Portugal, for the very first time - with final taking place on 12 May.
On the official Eurovision Song Contest website it states that the items will be confiscated for security reasons.
A list of banned itemsImage copyrightEUROVISION SONG CONTEST
On the list are items you'd expect to be banned like explosives, toxic substances and drugs.
Then there's the more unusual things such as ropes, umbrellas and adhesive tape. 
Luckily, flags are not on the list.
Forty three countries will take part in the 63rd edition of the contest in a few weeks' time.
There will be two semi-finals and 26 contestants will make it through to final - which will be broadcast on BBC One.
The UK automatically gets a pass to the final because it helps fund the event, as does France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
More than 180 million watched it live across Europe last year, and was reported to be most popular with younger viewers.

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