Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Against a backdrop of American and North Korean flags, U.S. President Donald Trump shook hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and denied he has walked back his pledge to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
On Feb. 27,1860, then presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln poses for his first portrait by noted Civil War-era photographer Matthew Brady. The daguerreotype, which shows a beardless Lincoln, was taken before Lincoln gave a speech in at Cooper Union in New York City. In the speech, Lincoln talked about opposing slavery in new territories. Many believe the speech helped to propel Lincoln to victory in the presidential election. Brady photographed Lincoln several more times before Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.
A few years ago, Hoda Muthana was a hard-talking 20-something from a religiously conservative Alabama family with a propensity for aggressive tweets and an affinity for the Islamic State’s extremist rhetoric. She even went to Syria to join the terrorist group. Now she wants to come back to the U.S.
Smith is the most common last name in the United States, followed by Johnson, Miller, Jones, Williams and Anderson, according to a genealogy company. What the most common surnames in the United States have in common is that they all have English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh roots because people from those countries were among the first Europeans to settle in North America.
VIDEO: Coalition-backed Syrian forces are close to defeating the last Islamic State militant stronghold in Syria, but the battle is fierce as militants defend their web of tunnels inside a camp crowded with women and children. In recent days, thousands more people have poured out of the battle zone, some near death and others vowing that IS will fight on. 
VIDEO: When it comes to dining out, the noisiness of a restaurant can ruin an otherwise good meal. But a crowdsourcing app is helping diners choose where to eat based on noise levels.

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