Saturday, June 30, 2012


By Anastasios Papapostolou

Tommy Lee released a manifesto full of Greek pride describing the reasons he is a proud Greek on his facebook page.

Although Greek pride might have been hurt by the Greek crisis, and international media are describing Greeks as “lazy,” “irresponsible,” and the “trouble child of Europe” among many more worse accusations, Tommy Lee, released a statement full of Greek Pride on his Facebook page !!!

The founding member of glam metal band Mötley Crüe was born in Athens the son of David Oliver Bass, a US Army serviceman of Welsh descent, and Vassiliki Papadimitriou, a 1957 Miss Greece contestant. Although, his family moved to West Covina, California one year after his birth, Tommy does not forget his homeland.

We are used to seeing celebrities post statements of support that may be written from PR professionals, but Tommy’s statement could not be written by a non-Greek and it does not look like a PR stunt. Thank you Tommy for being a proud Greek even during these tough times! See his message below:


Because we are a small, poor country full of people with big hearts

Because we never visit anyone empty-handed

Because there is no way to tell foreigners the word “Kapsoura” to properly (burning desire for someone)

Because there is still something valuable in Greek families

Because we always do, even if at the last moment

Because we were slaves for 400 years, but never take this as an excuse for our current state

Because we are scattered all over the Planet

Because we have the word “filotimo” (Honor for his friend?) In any other language

Because foreigners, if they can not find a word, use one of our

Because we share our problems and bad times with our friends and family and not with psychiatrists

Because Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were Greeks

Because we invented theater

Because we gave birth to democracy

Because we discovered logic

Because we made the start in the science

Because we are proud of our culture, not our war

Because when we started to make the Parthenon, the others still slept in trees

Because we have all these lights, which have made efforts to create peace through war

Because we see a difference between “eros” (in love) and “Agapi” (Love), while we feel both passionately

Because Eros was a Greek God

Because we gave the curse “Freedom or Death”

Because we already woven leash than any other are still attracted to wolf skin

Because “Greeks do not fight like heroes, but heroes fight like Greeks” (Winston Churchill, 1941)

Because we gave our ancient alphabet to the Romans and our Medieval alphabet to the Slavs

Because we are not ashamed to cry

Because we dance when we are sad

Because we work to live, not live to work

Because 97% of the star names are Greek

Because if we ‘brother or cousin “on the road every scream turns

Because our churches are not dark inside full of special lighting

Because our parents do not forget that we exist when we are already 18

Because if we want to get a sun tan, we go to the beach

Because we confront every difficulty with humor

Because the Olympics were born in Greece

As we unite with our Olympic light the world and send the message of peace

Because our sky is blue white

Because 40% of the Oxford dictionary consists of Greek words

Because we know what “Kefi” (joy in the fun?) Means and how to live it.


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