A number of fast food chains, including McDonald's, Burger King, and
 Subway, have their work cut out for them: the EU is clamping down on
 plastic. Though some fast food chains are now using paper, many are now
 having to rethink ways of packaging their food. 
Though you'll still find plastic straws in many McDonald's, Burger Kings,
 and Subways, the EU's ban is taking a tough stance on single-use plastics.
 So far, no one has come up with any alternatives to straws and customers
 who want to eat plastic-free only have the choice of eating out of a basic
 cup — without a lid or a straw. Even the paper cups don't provide 
non-plastic lids. 

Burger King and McDonald's are still using 

plastic dishes 

In many cases, salad still comes served in plastic dishes and the cutlery
 that accompanies it is no different. At present, non-plastic trays are 
nowhere to be seen on the tables of most fast food joints. Everything
 is currently based almost exclusively on disposable tableware.