Saturday, September 14, 2024

On This Day in History

September 14


Historical Events

Pope Gregory XIII with the calendar that was to make his name

1752 Britain and the British Empire, including the American colonies, adopt the Gregorian calendar after skipping 11 days between September 3 and September 13 

1922 Burning of Smyrna, the Asia Minor Catastrophe to Greeks: Ottoman army expels Greeks and other non-Turks from Asia Minor, destroying much of the port city of Smyrna (August 13 OS) 

1939 World's first practical helicopter, the VS-300, designed by Igor Sikorsky, takes (tethered) flight in Stratford, Connecticut 

1949 India's Constituent Assembly adopts Hindi as an official language, celebrated today as Hindi Day 

IBM 305 RAMAC at the U.S. Army Red River Arsenal; foreground: two 350 disk drives; background: 380 console and 305 processing unit

1956 IBM introduces the RAMAC 305, the first commercial computer with a hard drive with magnetic disk storage, weighs over a ton 

1960 Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela form the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 

More Historical Events 

Famous Birthdays

Alexander von Humboldt
1769 - 1859

Margaret Sanger
1879 - 1966

Sam Neill
77th Birthday

Ron DeSantis
46th Birthday

Also Jacobo Árbenz and Amy Winehouse. 

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Arthur Wellesley
1769 - 1852

William McKinley
1843 - 1901

Also Aaron Burr and Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza. 

More Famous Deaths 

Fatal Legacy of a Beautiful Riviera

Two famous American women – Grace Kelly and Isadora Duncan, both died after tragic motoring accidents in the same area on this day, though half a century apart. 

End of Grace Kelly 

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