Monday, September 2, 2024

On This Day in History


September 2


Historical Events

31 BC Battle of Actium: Decisive naval battle that effectively ends the Roman Republic. Octavian's forces defeat those under Mark Antony and Cleopatra off the western coast of Greece. 

1192 Sultan Saladin and King Richard the Lionheart of England sign the Treaty of Jaffa ending the Third Crusade in a compromise neither is happy with. Treaty leaves Jerusalem under Islamic control with Christian pilgrimage rights and restores the Kingdom of Jerusalem. 

The Tower of London to the right, London Bridge to the left – how an artist painted the Great Fire

1666 Great Fire of London begins at 2am in Pudding Lane, 80% of London is destroyed 

1792 September Massacres of the French Revolution: In Paris rampaging mobs slaughter three Roman Catholic bishops, more than two hundred priests, and prisoners believed to be royalist sympathizers. 

1864 Union General William T. Sherman captures and occupies Atlanta, Georgia, ending the Atlanta Campaign in the US Civil War 

More Historical Events 

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Famous Birthdays

Andrew Grove
1936 - 2016

Keir Starmer
62nd Birthday

Lennox Lewis
59th Birthday

Salma Hayek
58th Birthday

Also Frederick Soddy and Keanu Reeves (60). 

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Ho Chi Minh
1890 - 1969

J. R. R. Tolkien
1892 - 1973

Also Christiaan Barnard and Bob Denver. 

More Famous Deaths 

The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London began on this day when sparks from a baker’s oven ignited his home. Fanned by strong winds, the blaze consumed 80 per cent of the city. 

Fire Burns 80% of London 

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