Sunday, June 30, 2019

Το κτήμα της Τζάκι με το ρομαντικό σπίτι, τις λίμνες και την ιδιωτική παραλία 1,6 χλμ. με αμμόλοφους 

Μπορεί η Τζάκι Κένεντι με την οικογένειά της να έζησε εκεί αξέχαστες στιγμές, ωστόσο ένα ακίνητο των Κένεντι σύντομα πρόκειται να αλλάξει χέρια και μάλιστα πολύ υψηλό κόστος.

Συγκεκριμένα, η κόρη της Τζάκι Κένεντι, Καρολάιν, αποφάσισε να πουλήσει το εκπληκτικό κτήμα της μητέρας της στο νησί Martha’s Vineyard, γνωστό με το όνομα Farm Red Gate. Το ακίνητο, μπροστά ακριβώς στον ωκεανό, το οποίο η Τζάκι Κένεντι είχε αγοράσει για περίπου ένα εκατομμύριο δολάρια το 1978, πωλείται πλέον για το διόλου ευκαταφρόνητο ποσό των 65 εκατομμυρίων δολαρίων.

Η κατοικία των 340 στρεμμάτων στο νησί Martha's Vineyard

«Πριν από 40 χρόνια, η μητέρα μου ερωτεύτηκε το νησί αυτό. Όταν βρήκε το Red Gate Farm, θεώρησε πως ήταν η τέλεια έκφραση του ρομαντικού και περιπετειώδους πνεύματός της» εξηγεί η Καρολάιν σε δήλωσή της, στο μεσιτικό γραφείο Christie’s International που έχει αναλάβει την πώλησή του. «Είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι με το νέο κεφάλαιο για το κτήμα της μητέρας μας».

Το κτήμα διαθέτει άφθονα δωμάτια για να φιλοξενήσει πολλούς καλεσμένους
Άφθονα δωμάτια και πολλές ανέσεις

Ο νέος ιδιοκτήτης του κτήματος των 340 στρεμμάτων, στο νησί της Μασαχουσέτης, θα έχει άφθονο χώρο για να φιλοξενεί φίλους και συγγενείς, καθώς περιλαμβάνει μια κύρια κατοικία 600 τετραγωνικών μέτρων, με πέντε υπνοδωμάτια και πέντε μπάνια, έναν ξενώνα με τέσσερις κρεβατοκάμαρες και τρία μπάνια, ένα διαμέρισμα για το προσωπικό ή καλεσμένους με δύο κρεβατοκάμαρες και άλλο ένα σπίτι με τρεις κρεβατοκάμαρες.

Η κύρια κατοικία των 600 τετραγωνικών μέτρων διαθέτει 5 υπνοδωμάτια
Το κτήμα διαθέτει επίσης μια εξωτερική πισίνα, ένα γήπεδο τένις, ένα παραμυθένιο δεντρόσπιτο (χτισμένο από την ίδια την Τζάκι Κένεντι για τα εγγόνια της), έναν κήπο με λαχανικά, έναν αχυρώνα, μια αποθήκη για το σκάφος, δύο λιμνούλες και μια ιδιωτική παραλία μήκους 1,6 χιλιομέτρων. Μέσα σε όλα αυτά, υπάρχει ακόμη το ξύλινο σπιτάκι που ήταν η μόνη δομή εκεί, όταν το αγόρασε η Τζάκι Κένεντι στα τέλη του 1970.

Η πρώην Πρώτη Κυρία των ΗΠΑ, που διέθετε ένα στυλ που πολλές προσπαθούν να αντιγράψουν, όπως η Αμάλ Κλούνεϊ, έφτιαξε αυτό το εξοχικό ως ένα καταφύγιο για να μπορεί να ξεφεύγει από την λαμπερή ζωή της και το οποίο τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια συντηρεί η κόρη της Καρολάιν.

Ο χώρος της πισίνας ενδείκνυται για απογευματινά πάρτι
Η 61χρονη Καρολάιν, δήλωσε πως ελπίζει ότι οι επόμενοι ιδιοκτήτες που θα αναλάβουν το Red Gate Farm, θα το εκτιμήσουν όσο και η οικογένειά της, που αποτελείται από τα τρία της παιδιά, την 31χρονη Ρόου, την 29χρονη Τατιάνα και τον 26χρονο Τζακ.

Η Τζάκι Κένεντι διαβάζει παραμύθι στην κόρη της Καρολάιν μπροστά στο εξοχικό τους
«Οι αμμόλοφοι και οι λιμνούλες και οι λόφοι της περιοχής, της έδωσαν την ευκαιρία να δημιουργήσει έναν κόσμο όπου θα μπορούσε να είναι πολύ κοντά με την φύση, κοντά με την οικογένεια και τους φίλους της και κυρίως, κοντά στα αγαπημένα της βιβλία» αναφέρει η κόρη της Τζάκι Κένεντι.

«Έχτισε μέχρι και ένα παραμυθένιο δεντρόσπιτο για τα εγγόνια της. Αυτά όμως τα εγγόνια έχουν πλέον μεγαλώσει και ήρθε πλέον η ώρα για εμάς να ακολουθήσουμε το παράδειγμα της μητέρας μας και να δημιουργήσουμε τους δικούς μας κόσμους. Ελπίζουμε πως μια νέα οικογένεια θα εκτιμήσει αυτό το μέρος όπως κάναμε κι εμείς εδώ και τρεις γενιές».

Το ακίνητο διαθέτει και ιδιωτική παραλία μήκους περίπου 1,6 χιλιομέτρων
Και το δεντρόσπιτο που έχτισε η ίδια η Τζάκι Κένεντι για τα εγγόνια της

On This Day in History

June 30, 2019

Historical Events

1520  Spanish conquistadors are expelled from Tenochtitlan following an Aztec revolt against their rule under Hernán Cortés during "La Noche Triste" (the Night of Sadness). Many soldiers drown in the escape, and Aztec emperor Montezuma II dies in the struggle
1860  Famous debate on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution held at the Oxford University Museum and dominated by arguments between Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce
1905  In Russia, the "Potemkin" arrives at Odessa, where sailors take the bodies of dead crewman ashore; sailors join civilians in revolutionary actions of the '1905 Revolution'
1908  A giant fireball, most likely caused by the air burst of a large meteoroid or comet flattens 80 million trees near the Stony Tunguska River in Yeniseysk Governorate, Russia, in the largest impact event in recorded history
1934  "Night of Long Knives" - Adolf Hitler stages a bloody purge of the Nazi party
1938  Superman 1st appears in DC Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1
1992  South African ANC President Nelson Mandela meets with UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at Dakar
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2017Jay-Z's 4:44 album is released through Roc Nation. The record is initially available only to Sprint and Tidal customers and is the first in a planned series of music exclusives from the Sprint-Tidal partnership.
2012In Kiev, Queen launch their first tour with American Idol alumnus Adam Lambert on lead vocals. The band had previously toured with Paul Rodgers.
2008Olivia Newton-John marries Amazon John Easterling, a TV producer and entrepreneur.
2006US president George W. Bush and Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi visit Graceland in Memphis.
2006Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey divorce after three years of marriage.
2004Dave Davies of The Kinks suffers a massive stroke while walking out of a BBC building in London. Completely incapacitated for a few days, he gradually recovers, re-learning how to walk and play guitar over the next few years.
2001Chet Atkins, a country guitarist and forerunner of the burgeoning Nashville sound of the '50s, dies of cancer at age 77.
2001The Rockabilly Hall of Fame opens in Jackson, Tennessee.
1995Phyllis Hyman commits suicide by drug overdose at age 45. Known for the 1979 hit single "You Know How to Love Me," among others.
1993Six days after falling off a 10-foot platform during rehearsal for a game show, 31-year-old Wong Ka Kui (lead singer of Beyond) dies of his head injuries.
1992KyussBlues for the Red Sun, one of stoner metal's all-time classic albums, is released via Dali Records. It was produced by the band and Chris Goss.
1984Fantasia Barrino, an R&B singer who will win the third season of American Idol, is born in High Point, North Carolina.
1979Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu is born Matthew Paul Miller in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
1977Bob Dylan and his wife of 11 years, Sara, finalize their divorce. She is given custody of their five children.
1976Police raid Neil Diamond's house and find less than an ounce of marijuana. The arrest is struck from his record when he agrees to attend a drug aversion program.
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Kiss Put Blood, Sweat And Tears (Or At Least Blood) Into Their Comic

Marvel Comics publishes a Kiss comic book with a vial of their blood mixed into the ink.

Kiss's appearance in a Marvel comic book is not their first: the band appeared in issues #12 and #13 of Howard the Duck earlier in the year. This is their first appearance as the heroes, and band members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss take on their alter egos The Demon, The Starchild, The Spaceman, and The Catman in a storyline that sees them battle against Doctor Doom. It is published in a larger magazine format rather than the regular comic book size.

In their usual inimitable fashion, Kiss seize the marketing opportunity afforded by the comic, and arrange for vials of their own blood to be mixed in with the ink used to produce the comic book. The blood was drawn during a concert at New York's Nassau Coliseum on February 21, 1977. It was then mixed with the production ink, in the presence of a public notary, at the Borden Ink Plant in Depew, New York, on May 26th.

Marvel Comic Super Special #1 becomes Marvel's biggest selling comic, finally knocked off the top spot in 1990 by Todd McFarlane's Spiderman #1. The Super Special series runs until 1985, for 41 issues, and covers subjects as diverse as The Beatles, Star Trek, the Indiana Jones series and Santa Claus: The Movie.

Kiss go on to feature in more comics: A short unlicensed series from Revolutionary comics (1990-1993) is nevertheless endorsed by Gene Simmons and in 1997 Todd McFarlane works with the band on a 31-issue run to tie in with their Psycho Circus world tour. Another 13-episode series follows in 2002, this time from Dark Horse Comics, and the quartet continue their adventures right up to 2013 in conjunction with IDW as "Kiss Kids."

 How much it costs to rent

 a one-bedroom apartment

 in 15 major US cities

new york city subway skyline
The national average price for a one-bedroom apartment was $1,216 as of June 2019.
  • Rent in major US cities continues to soar.
  • The national average price for a one-bedroom apartment is $1,216, according to a report by Zumper.
  • Zillow and StreetEasy provided Business Insider with the median prices for one-bedroom rentals across 15 major US cities as of May 2019.
  • Turns out, two of the top three most expensive cities for rentals on the list are in California.

Rents across major US cities continue to soar.
The national median price for a one-bedroom apartment was $1,216 as of June 2019 — a 1.5% increase year to date.
Business Insider's Hillary Hoffower previously reported that rents are so high in major cities that some residents are resorting to living in the exurbs — the area beyond the suburbs — and living in vehicles to work around the cost of housing.

To get a sense of just how much it costs to be a renter in America, Business Insider compiled information from Zillow and StreetEasy on the median asking prices for one-bedroom rentals in 15 major US cities as of May 2019. Of the provided cities, Phoenix, Arizona, had the most affordable median rent: $1,171. On the other end of the pricing spectrum, two of the top three most expensive cities for rentals are in California.
Data on each city's median household income was obtained from the home-ownership-investment company Unison's 2019 Home Affordability Report.
Keep reading to see just how much you'd have to pay to live in these cities, ranked from most affordable to least affordable:

Phoenix: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Phoenix, Arizona is $1,171.

Phoenix: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Phoenix, Arizona is $1,171.Shutterstock
The median household income in Phoenix is $52,849.

Houston: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Houston, Texas is $1,269.

Houston: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Houston, Texas is $1,269.Sean Pavone/Shutterstock
The median household income in Houston is $51,914.

Charlotte: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Charlotte, North Carolina is $1,330.

Charlotte: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Charlotte, North Carolina is $1,330.digidreamgrafix/Shutterstock
The median household income in Charlotte is $58,833.

Dallas: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Dallas, Texas is $1,375.

Dallas: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Dallas, Texas is $1,375.Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images
The median household income in Dallas is $50,386.

Philadelphia: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is $1,500.

Philadelphia: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is $1,500.f11photo/Shutterstock
The median household income in Philadelphia is $45,267.

Atlanta: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Atlanta, Georgia is $1,590.

Atlanta: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Atlanta, Georgia is $1,590.Shutterstock
The median household income in Atlanta is $55,881.

Chicago: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Chicago, Illinois is $1,650.

Chicago: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Chicago, Illinois is $1,650.Sean Pavone/Shutterstock
The median household income in Chicago is $55,528.

Denver: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Denver, Colorado is $1,682.

The median household income in Denver is $64,784.

Miami: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Miami, Florida is $1,995.

Miami: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Miami, Florida is $1,995.Getty Images
The median household income in Miami is $35,221.

Seattle: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Seattle, Washington is $2,049.

Seattle: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Seattle, Washington is $2,049.Asif Islam/Shutterstock
The median household income in Seattle is $85,936.

Boston: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Boston, Massachusetts is $2,150.

Boston: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Boston, Massachusetts is $2,150.Sean Pavone/Shutterstock
The median household income in Boston is $64,553.

Washington, D.C.: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Washington, D.C. is $2,347.

Washington, D.C.: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Washington, D.C. is $2,347.Orhan Cam/Shutterstock
The median household income in Washington, D.C. is $82,192.

Los Angeles: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in Los Angeles, California is $2,362.

The median household income in Los Angeles is $58,043.

New York City: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in New York City is $2,650.

The median household income in New York City is $61,816.

San Francisco: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in San Francisco, California is $3,600.

San Francisco: The median asking price for a one-bedroom rental in San Francisco, California is $3,600.Getty Images
The median household income in San Francisco is $102,300.