Thursday, October 29, 2020

Business Insider Select

Here's how Biden will demolish Trump's legacy if he wins next week

Here's how Biden will demolish Trump's legacy if he wins next week

Trump relishes how he's used his executive power to demolish the Obama legacy. A Biden administration would do the exact same thing right back.


How to properly clean any iPhone model without damaging your device

How to properly clean any iPhone model without damaging your device

You can clean your water-resistant iPhone 7 or later with a damp lint-free cloth — with non-water-resistant versions, take extra care with cleaning.


After 11 days, Georgia's 2nd-largest, most diverse county has had a 238% increase in early voting compared with 2016

After 11 days, Georgia's 2nd-largest, most diverse county has had a 238% increase in early voting compared with 2016

A visit to several polling places this week showed some of the reasons people gave for voting early during the dramatic rise in turnout.


Nordstrom covered health insurance for furloughed workers. Now it wants them to pay it back as Americans' savings are dwindling to $0.

Nordstrom covered health insurance for furloughed workers. Now it wants them to pay it back as Americans' savings are dwindling to $0.

Some Nordstrom workers said they didn't realize they would have to pay their employer back after it covered their health insurance in the spring.


Why won't my PC turn on? 10 ways to troubleshoot your Windows computer when it fails to start

Why won't my PC turn on? 10 ways to troubleshoot your Windows computer when it fails to start

If your PC won't turn on, try moving the computer to a different power source, checking the display, or listening for error code beeps at startup.


How to forward a message on the Signal secure-messaging app

How to forward a message on the Signal secure-messaging app

You can forward a message on Signal, the secure-messaging app, just like you can on iMessage or Facebook Messenger.


Here's the 6 killer pieces of advice for trading European stocks after the US election, from investment giants UBS and Barclays

Here's the 6 killer pieces of advice for trading European stocks after the US election, from investment giants UBS and Barclays

Barclays and UBS equity analysts give insight into how European investors should be thinking about the US election and provide 6 key pieces of advice


How to take a screenshot on a Mac computer in four different ways

How to take a screenshot on a Mac computer in four different ways

There are four ways to take a screenshot on a Mac, and all of them can be done with the Shift, Command, and number keys.


Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with Macron

Charlie Hebdo, whose cartoons sparked terror attacks in France, published a cutting caricature of Turkish President Erdogan amid his feud with Macron

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said French President Emmanuel Macron needed mental treatment after criticizing Islam and proposing regulations on it.


Bai founder Ben Weiss built a $1.7 billion beverage empire from his basement, and now he's trying to do it again. Here's how.

Bai founder Ben Weiss built a $1.7 billion beverage empire from his basement, and now he's trying to do it again. Here's how.

Bai Brands founder Ben Weiss, who worked with several family members, says, "I would have fired each of them, had they not been good at their jobs."


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