Saturday, June 8, 2024

On This Day in History

June 8


Historical Events

452 Italy invaded by Attila the Hun. 

793 Vikings in long ships from modern-day Norway plunder St Cuthbert's monastery on Lindisfarne Island, off the northeast coast of England capturing and killing monks. 

1191 King Richard I of England arrives at Acre in modern day Israel to join the Siege of Acre during the Third Crusade. 

1783 Laki volcano in southern Iceland begins 8-month eruption, killing 10,000 and causing widespread famines throughout Asia and Europe. 

The bill of rights as it was created on September 25, 1789

1789 James Madison introduces a proposed Bill of Rights in the US House of Representatives 

1987 New Zealand's Labour government legislates against nuclear weapons and nuclear powered vessels in NZ. Only nation to legislate against nuclear power. 

More Historical Events 

Famous Birthdays

William Dampier
Born in 1651

Frank Lloyd Wright
1867 - 1959

Jerry Stiller
1927 - 2020

Tim Berners-Lee
69th Birthday  

Also Francis Crick, Suharto and Kanye West (50). 

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Edward the Black Prince
1330 - 1376

Andrew Jackson
1767 - 1845

Also Thomas Paine and Joseph A. Walker. 

More Famous Deaths 

France's Biggest-Ever Bank Robbery

Its vault was thought to be impregnable, but the bank had not reckoned on the ingenuity of a determined thief who died on this day, with the loot still missing. 

The Heist of the Century 

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