Thursday, September 6, 2018

VIDEO: Many people enjoy playing video games but take for granted that they can hold and easily operate game controllers. Now, Microsoft is making it possible for disabled gamers to join in the fun .
On September 5, 1977, the United States launches the deep space probe, Voyager 1, just 16 days after launching its twin spacecraft, Voyager 2. The probe made flybys of Jupiter, Saturn and Saturn’s moon, Titan. Voyager 1 is the most distant man-made object from Earth and was some 21.3 billion kilometers from the Sun as of June of this year. It was the first probe to leave the solar system.
As legislators grill Silicon Valley executives over Russian hacking ahead of midterm elections, some observers say the debate over expanded government oversight is far from over. On Tuesday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey met with legislators in Washington ahead of Wednesday morning’s hearing, where Dorsey and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg answered questions about cybersecurity before the Senate Intelligence Committee .
China is finding Vietnam to be a tough partner as Chinese firms try to do more business with the long-time political rival along its southern border. Vietnam’s legislature, faced with public protests, has put off until May 2019 a bill that would let Chinese and other foreign investors use special economic zones .
Top U.S. intelligence and defense officials caution the threat to the U.S. in cyberspace is not diminishing ahead of November’s midterm elections despite indications that Russia’s efforts to disrupt or influence the vote may not match what it allegedly did in 2016.
U.S. voters will head to the polls in two months to elect a new Congress and to render a midterm judgment on the presidency of Donald Trump. The political stakes are high, especially for a president who has undone much of his predecessor’s agenda but who could face something similar if Democrats recapture control of one or both congressional chambers on November 6 .

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