Tuesday, September 18, 2018

VIDEO: An increasing number of robots are being created and designed to work side by side with humans, in a human environment. That means robots have to be structured like a person, because some of them have to walk and sit like a person. Some robots are even being designed to look human .
On September 17, 1862, Confederate and Union troops in the Civil War clash in the Battle of Antietam, which is named after a Maryland creek near the battlefield. The battle marked the end of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of the North. The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest single day in American military history. Nearly one quarter, 23,000 out of 100,000 total combatants, were casualties, including over 3,600 dead.
Tim Piazza and Marquise Braham told their parents they just wanted to make some new friends by joining college social groups called fraternities. Neither of them got much of a chance. The two young men died after taking part in extreme rituals for admission into the all-male student groups. They were not even 20 years old.
Residents of the small city of Hazleton, PA, face deeply personal choices in this November’s election which features a homegrown candidate with hardline-immigrant views in a city that has been changed in deep-rooted ways by an influx of immigrants.
VIDEO: The influences of Jonathan Bethony’s experiences in Africa are everywhere in his Washington, DC, bakery, from its name to the practice of grinding whole grains from local farms in his on-site mill.
There is no trust in the Balkans. Families from the different ethnic groups — Serb, Croat, Bosniak and ethnic Albanians — who live close together in villages that suffered massacres in the Balkan wars of the 1990s still do not look each other in the eye and do not mix socially .

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