Tuesday, September 11, 2018

American activist and Army veteran Aaron Hughes did not know much about tea until the age of 20. That year, in 2003, Hughes was deployed by the Illinois National Guard to fight in Iraq. The whole time he was there, Hughes says, Iraqis would offer him the hot, sweet drink .
On September 10, 1991, the band Nirvana releases its first single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” The song turned the little-known band into international superstars and launched the “grunge” music movement. The song was the band’s biggest hit, reaching number six on the charts. In 1997, the song was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s list of “songs that shaped rock and roll.”
Americans on Tuesday will mark the 17th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that claimed almost 3,000 lives. President Donald Trump will attend a ceremony at the 9/11 memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, near where United Airlines Flight 93 crashed after passengers and al-Qaida terrorists fought for control of the hijacked plane .
VIDEO: A New York City subway station which was destroyed during the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center re-opened Saturday after 17 years. New York City has spent $181.8 million to reconstruct the Cortlandt Street subway station under the World Trade Center. The ceiling had to be completely rebuilt after parts of the World Trade Center fell through it and large portions of the rail on either side of the station also had to be replaced .
VIDEO: Trauma victims in conflict zones cannot always receive immediate treatment for their emotional scars. A dance school in southeastern Turkey is trying to help victims of violence by teaching them the art of dance .
VIDEO: Control of Congress is at stake in this November’s U.S. midterm elections. In today’s highly polarized political environment, Republican and Democratic partisans have staked their positions on the key issues, and debate does little to persuade them. Social scientists have shown that Americans are sorting themselves into like-minded groups. Now neuroscience may explain why people rarely change their minds on deeply held beliefs .

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