Sunday, September 9, 2018

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2014Vance Joy releases his debut studio album, Dream Your Life Away, four days after its release in his native Australia.
2008Former Raspberries lead and solo star Eric Carmen is arrested in his hometown of Cleveland on DUI charges. He will be sentenced to six months in jail but will only serve 30 days.
2007Rock guitarist Hughie Thomasson (of The Outlaws and Lynyrd Skynyrd) dies of a heart attack in Brooksville, Florida, at age 55.
2005Despite numerous fan protests, the City of Liverpool, England, declares its intention to go ahead and demolish Ringo Starr's birthplace on Madryn Street, which the famous drummer lived in until the age of 5.
2004Ernie Ball, who developed many innovative guitar accessories, dies at age 74.
2003John Mayer releases his second studio album, Heavier Things. The disc's title is a response to some critics who believed his previous songs were too soft. The album debuts at #1 on the US Billboard 200 chart.
2002Peter Tetteroo (lead singer for The Tee Set) dies from liver cancer in Delft, Netherlands, at age 55.
2000Duets, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis, is released at the Toronto Film Festival. The film is a critical and box-office flop, but Paltrow and Lewis's duet cover of "Cruisin'" reaches #1 on the Adult Contemporary chart.
1996Bluegrass singer/songwriter Bill Monroedies at age 84 in Springfield, Tennessee, several months after suffering a stroke.
1995Kyuss perform their last-ever show, at Festa Dell Unita, in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
1994Green Day play a free concert at the Hatch Shell in Boston. A few songs into their set, many in the crowd cross the line from moshing to rioting, and police order an end to the show. With their album Dookie climbing the charts, the band has been playing to exuberant crowds, which causes problems when casual fans find themselves engulfed in mosh pits.
1982The Broadway musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God, which is based on the Book of Matthew, is revived at the Alvin Theatre in New York with Al Green and Patti LaBelle in the cast.
1982Coming off the monstrous success of Moving Pictures, Rush releases Signals, their ninth studio album. It features "Subdivisions," a song that becomes a regular part of their live repertoire. The album hits platinum status only two months after release.
1978The Rolling Stones release "Beast Of Burden."
1978A Taste Of Honey's "Boogie Oogie Oogie" hits #1 for the first of three weeks.
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U2 Album Shows Up Uninvited In Itunes

Who doesn't like a free gift? Apparently, about 500 million iTunes users who create an uproar when U2's latest album, Songs of Innocence, shows up sans charge and sans permission in their personal libraries.

Despite the outcry, 26 million iTunes customers, around 5 percent, download the free album within a month of its release, while the rest try to figure out how to delete the unwanted album.

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