Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Life goes on for US military families living near the North Korea border. Camp Humphreys, the largest overseas US Army installation in the world, is located in South Korea, just 100 kilometers from the heavily fortified inter-Korean border. The Americans who live on base continue to go to work, attend school, play sports, and go shopping despite recent tensions over North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests. VOA visits the growing base and finds it’s a lot like any small US city.
On April 24, 1800, the Library of Congress is established after President John Adams authorizes $5,000 to purchase 964 volumes and nine maps to be stored in the Capitol. The Library of Congress — and its 3,000 volumes — are destroyed 12 years later when the British army invades Washington and burn the Capitol. After the loss, former president Thomas Jefferson sells his personal library, the largest in the country, to Congress to help restore the library. (The main reading room at the Library of Congress.)
VIDEO: While most commuters rush through New York City subway stations, Matt Vorzimer throws bashes there. The live drum jockey hosts joyous pop-up parties in public spaces, not only to provide a little music therapy and relieve some stress, but also as a way to connect with other people.
An American couple that wanted to do something about the 27 million children in conflict zones worldwide who aren’t attending class has found a way to make a real difference. They co-founded a California charity responsible for building seven schools in the Congo which employ 60 teachers and administrators and educate more than 1,600 students. They say the impact of education can be profound, leading to fewer child soldiers and fewer child brides, boosting the health of the entire community. 
US extremist groups are shifting their focus from anti-government activism to a new enemy — Muslims and immigrants. With a perceived ally in the White House, a president many members of US militias voted for, the urge to confront the government seems less urgent. So instead of railing against the government, US extremists have turned their venom against new-found foes: Muslims, immigrants, and anti-fascist groups.
VIDEO: After 60 years in exile, Tibetans in India remain determined to preserve their language and cultural identity. In New Delhi, VOA visits one of 70 schools run by the Tibetan Exile Administration, where all students learn the language, culture and customs of their ancestors’ native land.

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