Friday, February 9, 2024

On This Day in History

February 9


Historical Events

1775 British Parliament declares Massachusetts colony in rebellion. 

Benin mask carved of ivory thought to represent 16th century Edo queen Idia

1897 Invasion of Benin City by British Expedition force, the city is burnt and looted, marks the end of the Nigerian Kingdom of Benin formed in the 11th century. 

Japanese anti-Russian satirical map titled "A Humorous Diplomatic Atlas of Europe and Asia"

1904 Japanese torpedo boats make a surprise attack on Russian ships Port Arthur naval base, Manchuria, beginning the Russo-Japanese War. Japanese also land troops at Chemulpo (Inchon), near Seoul, Korea; in 3 weeks they advance to the Yalu River, the border of Manchuria. 

1943 Japanese troops evacuate Guadalcanal, ending the epic World War II battle on the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. 

1972 British government declares state of emergency after month-long coal miners' strike. 

More Historical Events 

Famous Birthdays

William Henry Harrison
1773 - 1841

Bill Veeck
1914 - 1986

Brendan Behan
1923 - 1964

Alice Walker
80th Birthday

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Paul Laurence Dunbar
1872 - 1906

Dennis Gabor
1900 - 1979

More Famous Deaths 

Cold Or Curse: What Killed The President?

President William Harrison spent just 32 days in the White House, the shortest administration in American history. Was it because of a curse? 

President Harrison’s Mysterious Death 

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