Tuesday, September 20, 2022

On This Day in History

September 20, 2022

Historical Events

622  Islamic Prophet Muhammed/Abu Bakr arrives in Jathrib (Medina)

1519  Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan sets off on the 1st successful circumnavigation of the globe (Magellan killed on route)

1854  Battle of the Alma: British, French and Ottoman alliance defeat the Russian Empire in the 1st major battle of the Crimean War

1990  Both East and West Germany ratify reunification

2001  In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, US President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror"

2019  Students from 185 countries stage the world's largest-ever protest on climate change culminating in Manhattan rally led by Greta Thunberg

More Historical Events


Famous Birthdays

Maxwell Perkins

1884 - 1947

Red Auerbach

1917 - 2006

Sophia Loren

88th Birthday

Upton Sinclair

1878 - 1968
More Famous Birthdays

Famous Deaths

Eduard Wirths

1909 - 1945

Jacob Grimm

1785 - 1863
More Famous Deaths

September 20: Greek God Blamed For Tsunami

A huge tsunami hit Japan on this day, killing up to 31,000 people. It was not the first, nor the last, nor the most deadly. Nor was it the work of an angry god.
Read the Article

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