Wednesday, May 25, 2022

On This Day in History

May 25, 2022

Historical Events

1720  The Ship "Le Grand St Antoine" reaches Marseille, bringing Europe's last major plague outbreak. Kills around 100,000

1810  In the May Revolution, citizens of Buenos Aires expel the Spanish Viceroy Cisneros during Semana de Mayo

1914  British House of Commons passes the Irish Home Rule Bill

1961  JFK announces US goal of putting a man on the Moon before the end of decade

2020  Video of African American George Floyd's arrest and murder while restrained in Minneapolis police custody shows he was pinned to the ground by police officer Derek Chauvin's knee for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, ignites widespread condemnation and nationwide protests

2021  US CDC says half of all US adults are now fully vaccinated, with 61% having had their first shot

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Famous Birthdays

Bill Robinson

1878 - 1949

Igor Sikorsky

1889 - 1972

Mike Myers

59th Birthday

Ralph Waldo Emerson

1803 - 1882
More Famous Birthdays

Famous Deaths

Robert Capa

1913 - 1954

Witold Pilecki

1901 - 1948

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