Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ακάθιστος Ύμνος (Χαιρετισμοί εις την 

Υπεραγίαν Θεοτόκον)

Ένα από τα λαοφιλέστερα ποιήματα της ελληνορθόδοξης χριστιανικής παράδοσης και φιλολογικό μνημείο άφταστης τελειότητας. Ένας ύμνος προς την Παναγία, που, όταν ψάλλεται στις εκκλησίες κατά τη διάρκεια της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής, προκαλεί ρίγη αληθινής συγκίνησης και πνευματικής ανάτασης στους πιστούς. «Ακάθιστος Ύμνος» ονομάστηκε, επειδή, όταν ψάλλεται, το εκκλησίασμα στέκεται όρθιο, ενώ η εναλλακτική ονομασία του «Χαιρετισμοί», προέρχεται από τη συχνά επαναλαμβανόμενη λέξη Χαίρε.
Ο Ακάθιστος Ύμνος ψάλλεται τμηματικά το βράδυ της Παρασκευής των τεσσάρων πρώτων εβδομάδων των Νηστειών και ολόκληρο το βράδυ της Παρασκευή της πέμπτης εβδομάδας των Νηστειών, κατά τη διάρκεια της Ακολουθίας του Ακάθιστου Ύμνου. Αποτελείται από το προοίμιο «Τη υπερμάχω στρατηγώ τα νικητήρια» και 24 οίκους (στροφές) με αλφαβητική ακροστιχίδα από το Α έως το Ω. Το πρώτο μέρος του ποιήματος (Α-Μ) αναφέρεται σε επεισόδια από τη ζωή της Παναγίας (ΕυαγγελισμόςΓέννηση του ΙησούΥπαπαντή κ.ά.) και το δεύτερο μέρος (Ν-Ω) σε θεολογικά θέματα. Αναφέρεται γενικότερα στην ενανθρώπιση του Ιησού και τη σωτηρία των ανθρώπων, ενώ εξαίρεται η συμβολή της Παναγίας.
Ο ποιητής του Ακαθίστου Ύμνου δεν είναι γνωστός, καθώς οι μακροχρόνιες έρευνες δεν έχουν καταλήξει σε αναμφισβήτητα συμπεράσματα. Έχουν αναφερθεί τα ονόματα του Ρωμανού του Μελωδού, του Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Σέργιου, του διάκονου και ιαμβογράφου Γεωργίου Πισίδη, του Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Γερμανού Α', του μητροπολίτη Νικομηδείας Γεωργίου Σικελιώτη, της Κασσιανής και του Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Φωτίου.
Η επικρατούσα παράδοση υποστηρίζει ότι ο Άκάθιστος Ύμνος γράφτηκε για τη διάσωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης από την πολιορκία των Αβάρων, ενός ταταρομογγολικού φύλου, το 626. Η σωτηρία της Βασιλεύουσας αποδόθηκε στην Υπέρμαχο Στρατηγό, την Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο.



The smug, judging record clerk is a sad cliche, but the stereotype exists for a reason. Not all of them start out that way. Sometimes it’s a process of grinding down that takes place over several years. I’ve been working in and around record stores since 1991. Anyone working retail knows dealing with morons and nutjobs comes with the territory, but music retail people will tell you they deal with a completely different breed. There’s something special about a record store that attracts a fringe class one might never encounter any other place, save the emergency room or the DMV. Ask anyone who has worked in music retail, especially the old-timers, and they’ll tell you. We all have a story to tell
In 2002 I stashed a notebook behind the counter of the shop where I work, something I wish I had had the foresight to think of years earlier. Anytime we got a dopey phone call, boneheaded comment, or generally batshit customer experience we’d log it into the book with the date and time of occurrence. We’ve got a few volumes filled at this point. Earlier today I flipped through some back pages and noted favorite entries. I have omitted the date stamps for the sake of brevity, but these entries span from February 2002 to November 2014. There’s so much more where this came from, but ideally this begins a dialogue with other battle-scarred shop grunts. We want to hear your stories. If you have favorite quotes or tales, especially ones that top these, post them to the comments and share with others who’ve lived the struggle.

Enjoy these hand-selected quotes from the music retail front

Customer: “Why are there only 12 songs on this CD?”
Clerk: “Uh, that’s just how many songs are on it.”
Customer: “So, there’s six songs per side?”
Customer: “I’m looking for an old song called ‘The Monster Mash’. I think it’s by Kris Kristofferson.”

(phone call)
Customer: “Are you the manager?”
Clerk: “Yes.”
Customer: “OK. There’s a Beatles album… it’s really rare… it’s worth a whole lot of money… Do you know which one it is?”
Clerk: “No.”
Customer: “OK. How much would it be worth?”
Customer: “Do you have a Christmas album by Aryan Neville?”
Customer: “Do you have any Van Morrison? I didn’t see any under ‘V’.”
Clerk: (politely) “Well, it would actually be under ‘M’.”
Customer: “NEVERMIND!” (customer storms out)


(phone call)
Customer: “Is this the record place?”
Clerk: “Yes.”
Customer: “Could you tell me how to get a record deal? I do rap.”
Customer: “I’m looking for a Country singer. The last name is ‘Redding’. I think the first name is ‘Otis’”

(phone call)
Customer: “Do you have any… uh… Gospel… uh… I mean… uh… tape… on… video… uh… I mean… (screams) DO YOU HAVE ANY HALLE BERRY MOVIES?

(phone call)
Customer: “Do you have constellation music?”
Clerk: “Constellation music?”
Customer: “You know… A variety.”

(phone call)
Customer: “There’s this lady that just put out a song. I don’t know what it is.”
(statement ends here with customer expecting an answer)


(phone call)
Customer: “I have some… I don’t know what they are… uh… (moment of silence) Do y’all buy 26 inch records?”

Customer: “Do you guys have any Kenny G posters?”
Clerk: “No, I’m sorry we don’t.”
Customer: “Well, if I get two then I’ll give you guys one.”
Customer: “I know that the Beatles RedWhite, and Blue albums are the best, but are there any other good copulations by the Beatles?”

Customer: “Do y’all have ‘Old Mount Zion’?”
Clerk: “Um, who is it by?”
Customer: “The New Years song everybody sings!”
Clerk: “Auld Lang Syne?”
Customer: “I dunno, maybe.”
Customer: “Are all your CD’s made?”
Clerk: “...?”

Customer: “I’m looking for ‘Theme From a Summer Place’.”
Clerk: “Do you know by who? About 100 different artists have done that song.”
Customer: “There’s no ARTIST! It’s an INSTRUMENTAL!”

A guy comes in and wants to order a TV-only-offer CD. He brings in the 1-800 number from the commercial and asks if we can call it in for him.

Two sorority girls come into the shop.
Sorority girl #1: “Do you guys have any Beatles DVD’s?... no… wait… I guess they didn’t have video cameras back then.”
A young white woman’s inquiry about Reggae:
“Y’all got that Reggae guy? ...He’s black.”

Customer: “Y’all got any Ronald McDonald?—You know that guy who used to be with the ‘Doobie Boys’”
Customer: “Y’all got that Freddie Jackson anthropology?”

(phone call)
Customer: “Hello. I bought this DVD from you guys and the price sticker has a date on it: 12/05… does that mean that I rented it and I need to bring it back? Or did I buy it?”

Customer has an inquiry about the Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions:
Customer: “What does BBC session mean?”
Clerk: “Well, it would have been a session recorded for British BBC radio.”
Customer: “So is it in English?”

A white woman hands my co-worker, John, three CD’s and he tells her the total without using the register.
She pays and says “That was impressive!”
John: “What was?”
Woman: “I’ve never met a black guy that could add numbers without using a calculator”

A man kept us busy for 30 minutes, trying first to find in the store, and then google “African Bandstand”. He couldn’t believe us when we told him it didn’t exist because it was, according to him, “the most popular song of all time.”
After 15 minutes more we figured out on a hunch that he wanted “Afrika Baambaata.”

A man returns to the store 10 minutes after his purchase and wants to return an Elvis DVD because it wouldn’t play in his car’s CD PLAYER.

Customer: “Do you have the Beatles Salt and Pepper Hearts Club?”
A man buys Yusef Lateef’s Eastern Sounds CD. The next day he brings it back complaining: “There’s too many eastern sounds on it.”

Customer: “Hey man, where’s all y’alls CD’s at? The ones with the music on it.”
(phone call)
Customer: “Do you guys buy oil wells?”
Clerk: “...”
A grown man comes into the store pulling a little toy red wagon…
“Do you guys have that movie Alive about a rugby team that crashes and they have to become CARNIVORES?”
Guy mumbles to himself: “Same size as Janet Jackson, right?”
Clerk: “Huh?”
Mumbling guy: “All CD’s are the same size, right?”
Customer: “Do you guys sell punk? Like MXPX and CREED?”
Customer: “Do you guys have ‘If I Gotta Love Edith’ by Iron Butterfly?”
(phone call)
Customer: “Do you know who buys records?”
Clerk: “We do.”
Customer: “Where are you?”
-explanation ensues, guy is clearly not following…
Customer: “Well, I only got one record to sell”
Clerk: “Oh?”
Customer: “I paid $80 for this Cinderella picture disc in 1986. I’d like to get at least what I paid for it.”


Customer: “Do you just buy the vinyl or the music?”

OK, this one’s pretty cool.

There’s an elderly couple that shops at the store regularly. The old man is blind and his wife is this sweet old lady that guides him around and reads off the song titles to him on the Big Band CD’s. One day we decided to order a pizza for lunch and there’s three of us at the counter eating our slices. The old woman comes up to my co worker, Rob, and says “that sure does look good.” Rob has the slice right up to his mouth to take a bite out of it when the old lady grabs Rob’s hand and pulls it over to her own mouth, taking a huge chomp out of it—completely out of the blue.

Rob is dumbfounded, just staring and not knowing what to do or say to this old woman that just took a bite of his pizza.

The lady then looks at Rob and says “when you get to be my age you can do anything you want.”

Customer:“Can you tell me where your ‘Renegade’ music is?”
Customer:“Yeah, like Shabba Ranks”


Customer: “You ever listen to the Yardbirds? ...Oh man yeah, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Sammy Hagar!”
We once had a young lady turn in an employment application. She included a resume, which most people applying here never do - but whatever, that’s cool. The resume was three pages, but had an extra page stuck in the middle by mistake. It was a print-out of an email she received from a friend telling her what remedy to use to get rid of her yeast infection.
Customer: “This that concert that got Sting and Yo Yo Mama?”
Customer looking for Michael Jackson’s Live in Bucharest: “Ya’ll got that Michael Jordan - Dangerous, Live in Buddharest?”

Clerk: “No I’m sorry I can’t buy any of these (caked in mildew and ratshit) records.”
Customer: “Well, how about you just give me $20 and throw them all away?” 
Clerk: “...”

Customer: “Do you guys buy records? I have a Lou Rawls album that my wife looked up online. It sells for $800. You can sell it for me and take a cut.”

Customer: “Do you have CDs for turntables?”
World’s most awesome 80+ year old white lady comes in and picks up a Ying Yang Twinz CD and then asks if we have the Three Six Mafia CD with “Whoop That Trick” because “that’s the one they won the academy award for.” She buys both. 
One of our employees is eating a bag of chips when a customer comes up and asks “whatcha eatin’? Rootbeer?”
Customer: “Do y’all have any cuban music? Like Kenny Chesney or Jimmy Buffett but without the Kenny Chesney and the Jimmy Buffett.”
A customer on the phone probably calling about H.E. Dixon, who later angrily dismisses the suggestion that that might be who he is actually looking for: “I’m praying y’all got this. It’s Eighty Dicks. It’s a gospel.”
(phone call)
Customer: “Do you buy records? I got records that haven’t even been degenitalized yet.”
Teenage girl asks for classic rock gift suggestions for her dad.
Clerk: “How about Alice Cooper?”
Girl: “Oh no, he hates female singers”
(phone call)
Customer: “Hello. Is this a restaurant?”
Clerk: “no”
Customer: “OK. Do you take 8 track records?”
Customer: “Do you know where The Department of Resurrection is?”
Clerk: “Is that a band?”
Customer: “It’s a government organization”
Clerk: “Oh. No. I don’t know where that is.”
Customer: “The Pentagon… The Vatican and the Pentagon.”
A sketchball character comes in trying to sell some obviously stolen 80’s goth records including a Bauhaus record. I try to call him out, pointing to the Bauhaus record:
Me: “So what does this one sound like?”
The guy looks at the cover of In The Flat Field, obviously for the first time ever, and sees the distorted nude photograph:
“OH! Bahadu?! He’s like the white PRINCE… ya see, he’s naked. It’s kind of mellow… it’s funky!”

Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek's Mr Spock, dies at 83

US actor Leonard Nimoy, who played Mr Spock in the cult sci-fi series Star Trek, has died at the age of 83 in Los Angeles, his family has said.
His son, Adam, said he died of end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on Friday morning.
Nimoy had a long career as both an actor and director.
However he was best known for his portrayal of the half-human, half-Vulcan character in both the TV franchise and series of films.
Last year, the actor revealed he was suffering chronic lung disease COPD, despite stopping smoking 30 years ago.
It was reported earlier this week he had been taken to hospital on 19 February after suffering from chest pains.
He later tweeted: "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory."
He signed off what was to be his final tweet with "LLAP" - a reference to his character's famous catchphrase, "Live long and prosper".


Ο αποχαιρετισμός της NASA στον Μίστερ Σποκ [εικόνα]

Με τον τρόπο της αποχαιρέτισε η ΝASA τον Μίστερ Σποκ του
 «Star Trek», μετά από τη θλιβερή είδηση του θανάτου του 
Λέοναρντ Νιμόι, του ηθοποιού που ενσάρκωσε το χαρακτήρα 
στην περίφημη σειρά.
«Η κλασική σειρά επιστημονικής φαντασίας υπήρξε έμπνευση για πολλούς στη
 NASA όλα αυτά τα χρόνια», έγραψε στο Twitter η διαστημική υπηρεσία,
 δημοσιεύοντας παράλληλα και μία φωτογραφία από το 1976.
Ηταν από τα αποκαλυπτήρια του διαστημικού λεωφορείου Enterprise, στο οποίο 
είχαν δώσει το παρών τα μέλη του καστ του «Star Trek», ανάμεσά τους 
και ο Λέοναρντ Νιμόι, που έφυγε από τη ζωή στα 83 του χρόνια. 
Το συγκεκριμένο σκάφος είχε πάρει το όνομά του από το διαστημόπλοιο της σειράς.

Πέθανε ο συλλέκτης Ίων Βορρές

Πέθανε ο συλλέκτης Ίων Βορρές

Πέθανε την Παρασκευή ο συλλέκτης Ίων Βορρές, ιδρυτής του Μουσείου Βορρέ και πρώην δήμαρχος Παιανίας 

Ένα υπέροχο αρχιτεκτονικό κτίσμα με ένα σύμπλεγμα κτιρίων, αυλών και κήπων, φιλοξενεί αρχαιότητες, κεραμικά, λαϊκά κειμήλια αποτέλεσε το σημαντικότερο έργο της ζωής του.

Με πλούσιο λαογραφικό εκθεσιακό υλικό αλλά και σύγχρονη ελληνική τέχνη άνοιξε περίπου 32 χρόνια πριν το Μουσείο Βορρέ.
Ένας αξιοπρεπής, χαμηλών τόνων και προοδευτικός άνθρωπος, ο Βορρές είχε πάντα ως στόχο του την προώθηση της αυθεντικότητας της ελληνικής τέχνης, με κύριο μέλημα να μην χάσουν οι σύγχρονες γενιές την επαφή τους με την ελληνική ιστορία και τέχνη. 

Ήταν απόφοιτος του Κολεγίου Αθηνών και σπούδασε οικονομικά στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Queen's στο Οντάριο του Καναδά, καθώς επίσης και Φιλοσοφία και Ψυχολογία στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Τορόντο. Για ένα διάστημα εργάστηκε ως δημοσιογράφος σε εφημερίδες του Καναδά. Ο Ίων Βορρές γεννήθηκε στα Φιλιατρά, και υπηρέτησε την πατρίδα ως αντάρτης με μια ομάδα Αμερικανών αξιωματικών στα βουνά της Εύβοιας στη διάρκεια της Γερμανικής Κατοχής. Από το 1991 ως το 1998 διετέλεσε δήμαρχος Παιανίας.


1966, Police were called after over a 100 music fans barricaded themselves inside Liverpool's Cavern Club to protest at the clubs closure. The club had run up debts of over £10,000. 
1968, 25 year old Frankie Lymon, lead singer of The Teenagers, died of a heroin overdose in his grandmother's New York home. Lymon was on leave from a Georgia Army post at the time and was scheduled to record for Roulette Records the next day. He first hit the national charts in 1956 when he was just 13 with 'Why Do Fools Fall in Love'. 
1968, Israeli husband and wife team Esther and Abi Ofarim were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Cinderella Rockefella,' their only UK No.1 
1970, In an interview with the New Musical Express, Fleetwood Mac's Peter Green talked about his plans to give all his money away. The following year Green confronted his accountant with a gun after he sent him an unwanted royalty check. The guitarist went to jail briefly before being transferred to an asylum and was committed to a mental hospital in 1973. He re- launched his career in the 90's.

1970, Led Zeppelin played a gig in Copenhagen as The Nobs after Eva Von Zeppelin a relative of the airship designer threatened to sue if the family name was used in Denmark.
1970, Simon and Garfunkel started a six week run at the top of the US singles chart with 'Bridge Over Troubled Water', also No.1 in the UK in March the same year. More on Bridge Over Troubled Water 
1970, Billed as 'David Bowie's New Electric Band' (so new they haven't got a name yet), David Bowie played at the Basildon Arts Lab experimental music club at the Basildon Arts Centre in Essex, England. Also on the bill were High Tide, Overson and Iron Butterfly. 
1972, George and Patti Harrison were injured in a car crash; Patti was unconscious for several days. More on George Harrison 
1974, Singer songwriter Bobby Bloom shot himself dead in the head at his Hollywood apartment aged 28. Bloom had the 1970 US No.8 & UK No.3 single 'Montego Bay'.
1976, Paul Simon's 'Still Crazy After All These Years' was named Best Pop Vocal Performance and Album Of The Year at the 18th annual Grammy Awards. In his acceptance speech, Simon told the audience "I'd like to thank Stevie Wonder for not releasing an album this year." 
1977, Ray Charles is attacked onstage by a man who tried to strangle him with a microphone cord. The man was a member of a group called Project Heavy, a community program for disadvantaged youths. They promised that the matter would be handled within the organization and no charges were laid. 
1981, Country music star Eddie Rabbitt crossed over to the Pop chart to score a US No.1 hit with 'I Love a Rainy Night'. He had earlier written the Elvis Presley smash 'Kentucky Rain' before having a No.5 hit with 'Drivin' My Life Away'. Although it sounds like he made up a stage name, his real name is Edward Thomas Rabbitt. 
1984, Michael Jackson won a record seven Grammy awards including: Album of the year for 'Thriller'; Record of the year and Best rock vocal performance for 'Beat It'; Best pop vocal performance, Best R&B performance and Best R&B song for 'Billie Jean', and Best Recording For Children for E.T The Extra Terrestrial. More on Thriller 
1985, David Byron, singer with Uriah Heep died from an epileptic fit and liver disease aged 38. Had a hit with 'Easy Livin' from the 1972 album Demons and Wizards. 
1986, George Michael announced that Wham! would officially split during the summer.
1989, Bob Dylan recorded the first sessions for the Oh Mercy album at The Studio, New Orleans, Louisiana. What became Dylan's 26th studio album, released by Columbia Records in September 1989 was produced by Daniel Lanois.
1994, Eric Clapton played his 100th performance at London's Royal Albert Hall, in aid of the 'Children In Crisis', charity. 
1996, Grammy award winners included Alanis Morissette who won album of the year for 'Jagged Little Pill' best female rock vocal & best song for 'You Oughta Know', Nirvana's 'Unplugged won best alternative album and Coolio best rap performance with 'Gangsta's Paradise.' More on Jagged Little Pill 
1997, Death Row Records boss Marion 'Suge' Knight was sentenced to nine years in prison for violating his probation for a 1995 assault conviction. Under US law, Knight would not be allowed to run Death Row Records while in prison. 
1998, Cornershop went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Brimful Of Asha'. This song is based upon the history of film culture in India.

2005, Chris Curtis, drummer with The Searchers died aged 63 after a long illness. The searchers scored the 1964 UK No.1 single 'Needles And Pins', and the 1964 US No.3 single 'Love Potion Number Nine'. 
2006, Two stewards were shot during a concert by rapper Kanye West at the NEC in Birmingham, England. Police said the shootings took place after people who tried to gain entrance without tickets were escorted from the arena. A man, who had no ticket, entered the foyer and was ejected, he then returned and shot at the stewards, one was in a serious condition after being shot in the face.
2008, Boy George pleaded not guilty to falsely imprisoning a male escort by chaining him to a wall. The singer and DJ was also accused of assaulting Audun Carlsen during the alleged incident on 28 April 2007. He was released on bail until a trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court in November. 
2008, Arctic Monkeys won three prizes, including best British band at this year's NME Awards held at the O2 in London. The band's single 'Fluorescent Adolescent' won them best track and they won best video for 'Teddy Picker'. Best album went to Klaxons for Myths of the Near Future while Kate Nash won best solo artist. Muse were presented with the best live band award and US group The Killers took best international act. The Manic Street Preachers, who performed at the ceremony, were awarded the NME's Godlike Genius honour and Babyshambles frontman Pete Doherty was voted hero of the year. Britney Spears's Blackout was voted worst album and The Hoosiers were named worst band.
2008, Drummer Buddy Miles, who played with Jimi Hendrix in his last regular group, Band of Gypsys, died aged 60 at his home in Austin, Texas after struggling with a long-term illness. Born George Allen Miles in Omaha, Nebraska, Buddy's nickname was a tribute to his idol, jazz drummer Buddy Rich. Rich also played with The Delfonics, The Ink Spots, Wilson Pickett, Electric Flag, Stevie Wonder, David Bowie, Muddy Waters and Barry White. In the 1980s, he achieved a certain amount of notoriety in the US as the vocalist on the celebrated claymation California Raisins commercials. 
2010, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk, who played bass for nearly 30 years with Daryl Hall And John Oates died of an apparent heart attack at the age of 58. He had also recorded with Carly Simon, Jellyfish, Squeeze, Elvis Costello, Shawn Colvin and Billy Joel over the course of his career. 
February 28th: Born on this day
1941, Born on this day, Marty Sanders, from Jay and the Americans, who had the 1969 US No.6 single 'This Magic Moment' plus nine other US Top 30 hits. 
1942, Born on this day, Brian Jones, multi-instrumentalist and founding member of The Rolling Stones. Originally the leader of the group, Jones placed an advertisement in Jazz News of 2 May 1962 inviting musicians to audition for a new R&B group. Jones came up with the name the Rollin' Stones while on the phone with a venue owner, who asked 'What are you called?' Jones saw a copy of The Best Of Muddy Waters lying on the floor - and track one was Rollin' Stone Blues. Jones died on July 3rd 1969, after drowning in his swimming pool at his home on Cotchford Farm in East Sussex, under the influence of alcohol and drugs. More on Brian Jones  
1942, Born on this day, Joe South, US singer, songwriter who had the 1969 US No.12 & UK No.6 single 'Games People Play'. South worked with Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Aretha Franklin. South died on 5th Sept 2012 aged 72. 
1943, Born on this day, Donnie Iris, guitarist with Wild Cherry who had the 1976 US No.1 & UK No.7 single 'Play That Funky Music'. 
1945, Born on this day, Ronnie Rosman, from Tommy James & The Shondells who had the 1966 US No.1 single 'Hanky Panky', 1968 UK No.1 single 'Mony Mony'. 
1952, Born on this day, Eddie Manion, from Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes who had the 1978 album 'Hearts Of Stone'. 
1957, Born on this day, Cindy Wilson, singer and founding member with American new wave rock band The B-52's who had the 1990 UK No.2 & US No.3 single 'Love Shack'.
1957, Born on this day, Ian Stanley, keyboards, with Tears For Fears who had the 1985 US No.1 & UK No.2 single 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World'. 
1957, Born on this day, Phil Gould, drummer with Level 42 who had the 1986 UK No.3 single 'Lessons In Love', plus 19 other UK Top 40 singles. 
1966, Born on this day, Ian Brown, singer with The Stone Roses, who had the 1989 UK No.8 single 'Fool's Gold', from their 1989 album 'The Stone Roses'. Had the solo, 1998 UK No.5 single 'My Star'. 

1971, Born on this day, Nigel Godrich, Grammy Award-winning UK recording engineer and record producer. Best known for his work with Radiohead. More on Radiohead
1977, Born on this day, Jason Aldean, country music singer, who has scored six No.1 singles including a duet with Kelly Clarkson, and 'Dirt Road Anthem.'
1994, Born on this day, English singer and songwriter Jake Bugg, (born Jake Edwin Kennedy). His self-titled debut album, largely co-written with songwriters Iain Archer, Matt Prime and Crispin Hunt, was released in late 2012 and reached No.1 on the UK Albums Chart.