Thursday, July 31, 2014


1950 (by Chiocchio,G - Minghi,A) - Gianni Morandi (1985)
21st Century boy (by ?) - Sigue Sigue Sputnik [#43]
Absolute beginners (by Bowie,D) - David Bowie (1984) [#3]
Addicted to love (by Palmer,R) - Robert Palmer
Adesso tu (by Cassano,P - Cogliati,A - Ramazzotti,E) - Eros Ramazzotti [#1]
Alghero (by Giunirusso - Sisini) - Giuni Russo [#33]
All I want (by Jones,H) - Howard Jones [#31]
All of my life (by ?) - Tipinifini [#34]
All the things she said (by Burchill,C - Gaynor,M - Giblin,J - Kerr,J - MacNeil,M) - Simple Minds
Alle porte dell'Est (by ?) - Meccano [#46]
L'Altra parte del cielo (by Facchinetti R., Negrini V.) - I Pooh
Amanda (by Scholz,T) - Boston
Amigo (by Renzulli,F) - Litfiba
Amore stella (by Fabrizio,M - Morra,G) - Rettore [#47]
And you know that (by ?) - The Yellowjackets
Another night (by Cantarelli - Freeland) - Aretha Franklin
Apapaia (by Renzulli,F) - Litfiba
Appetite (by McAloon,P) - Prefab Sprout (1985) [#35]
Atlantis is calling (by Bohlen,D) - Modern Talking [#13]
Azzurra anima (by Cheli - Macchiarella) - Nuova Schola Cantorum
Azzurra malinconia (by Cutugno,T) - Toto Cutugno [#14]
Bad boy (by Beecher,TH - Chiriegato,M - Turatti,R) - Den Harrow (1985) [#5]
Ballata (by ?) - Litfiba
Ballerina girl (by Richie,L) - Lionel Richie (1987)
I Bambini ci guardano (by Battaglia,D - Negrini,V) - I Pooh
Il Bambino dov'è (by Cellamare,R) - Ron
Because the night (by Smith,P - Springsteen,B) - Bruce Springsteen
Bello e impossibile (by Nannini,G - Panigiani) - Gianna Nannini [#2]
The Best of my love (by ?) - John Ryel [#29]
Bigmouth strikes again (by ?) - The Smiths (1987)
Black out (by ?) - Enzo Avitabile
Blue (by Cox,A - Gift,R - Steele,D) - Fine Young Cannibals [#26]
Brand new lover (by Burns,P - Coy,S - Lever,T - Percy,M) - Dead or Alive [#44]
Brividi (by Fabrizio,M - Fabrizio,S - Morra,G) - Rossana Casale [#22]
Broken wings (by George - Lang - Page) - Mr. Mister (1985) [#7]
Brother Louie (by Bohlen) - Modern Talking [#32]
Brownsville girl (by Dylan,B - Shepard,S) - Bob Dylan
Burning heart (by Peterick,J - Sullivan,F) - Survivor [#5]
Calli segrete (by ?) - Rondò Veneziano
Cantare (by Bongusto - Di Francia - Iodice) - Fred Bongusto [#37]
Canzone italiana (by Endrigo,S - Mattone,C) - Sergio Endrigo
Canzone triste (Canzone d'amore) (by Fornaciari,Z) - Zucchero [#50]
Canzoni alla radio (by Carboni,L - Curreri,G - Portera,R) - Stadio
Capita a volte che poi ci si trovi soli (by Ruggeri,E) - Red Canzian
The Captain of her heart (by Haug,F - Maloo,K) - Double [#3]
Caruso (by Dalla,L) - Lucio Dalla 
Catch the fox (by Beecher,HT - Chieregato,M - Turatti,R - Zanotti,F) - Den Harrow [#8]
Certe donne (by Ruggeri,E) - Enrico Ruggeri
Charleston (by Beecher,TH - Chiriegato,M - Turatti,R) - Den Harrow [#17]
Il Clarinetto (by Arbore,R - Mattone,C) - Renzo Arbore
Cloudbusting (by ?) - Kate Bush [#41]
C'mon! C'mon! (by ?) - Bronski Beat [#41]
Come il sole all'improvviso (by Paoli,G - Fornaciari,Z) - Zucchero & Gino Paoli [#24] 
Come una guerra (by Angelillo - Rapetti) - Chiari e Forti
Confusi in un playback (by ?) - Mimmo Locasciulli & Enrico Ruggeri (1985) [#40]
Le Cose che pensano (by Battisti,L - Panella) - Lucio Battisti
Croce del Sud (by Aldrighetti - Cossu - Satta) - Aida Satta Flores
Un Cuore con le ali (by Cassano - Cogliati,A - Ramazzotti,E) - Eros Ramazzotti
Dance with me (by ?) - Alphaville [#33]
Dancing in the street (by ?) - Matt Bianco [#44]
Dancing on the ceiling (by Frenchik - Richie,L - Rios) - Lionel Richie [#13]
Danger zone (by Moroder,G - Whitlock) - Kenny Loggins [#32]
D'Artagnan (by Canzian,R - Conte,P) - Red Canzian
David gnomo amico mio (by Valeri Manera,A / Carucci,C) - Cristina D'Avena [#20]
Delicatamente due (by ?) - Stefano Sani [#36]
Diamond (by Giuliante,P - Grati,M - Flores,M) - Via Verdi (1985) [#1]
Diamond (by ?) - P4F
A Different corner (by Michael,G) - George Michael [#3]
Digging your scene (by Howard,BR) - Blow Monkeys [#24]
Il Diluvio (by Battisti,L - Panella) - Lucio Battisti
Dimmi quando (by ?) - I Ricchi e Poveri [#37]
Do it for love (by ?) - Sheena Easton (1985) [#42]
Do ya do ya (wanna please me) (by Bissell - Richardson) - Samantha Fox [#19]
Don Giovanni (by Panella,P / Battisti,L) - Lucio Battisti
Una Donna distante (by ?) - Gigliola Cinquetti [#50]
Dont' get me wrong (by ?) - The Pretenders [#47]
Don't leave me this way (by Gamble,K - Huff,L) - The Communards [#5]
Don't waste my time (by Hardcastle,P) - Paul Hardcastle (1985) [#46]
Il Doppio del gioco (by Battisti,L - Panella) - Lucio Battisti
Dreamland paradise (by ?) - Novecento [#45]
Dreams (by Anthony - Hagar - VanHalen) - Van Halen
Driving away from home (by ?) - It's Immaterial
Due (by Cocciante,R - Dabadie - Mogol) - Riccardo Cocciante con Cecilia Gasdia
E camminiamo (by Calabrese,P - Carnacina - Ventura) - Lanfranco Carnacina
…E le rondini sfioravano il grano (by Artegiani - Marrocchi) - Giampiero Artegiani [#54]
E' l'Italia che va (by Cellamare,R) - Ron
E' tutto un attimo (by Ciani,F - Cogliati,A - Smaila,U) - Anna Oxa [#5]
East River (by Jason - Major - Monet) - Picnic at the White House [#16]
Easy lady (by Pignagnoli,A - Spagna,G - Spagna,I) - Ivana Spagna [#1]
The Edge of heaven (by Michael,G) - Wham! [#3]
Effetti personali (by Caputo,S) - Sergio Caputo
Eldorado (by Gam Tam - Kent,B) - Drum Theatre [#2]
Every beat of my heart (by Savigar,K - Stewart,R) - Rod Stewart [#19]
Everybody have fun tonight (by ?) - Wang Chung [#59]
Excessive love (by Carofiglio - Hackett - Nicolosi) - Novecento [#16]
Experiment IV (by Bush,K) - Kate Bush [#62]
Fall on me (by Stipe,M) - R.E.M.
Fatti miei (by Albertelli,L - Fornaciari,Z - Malepasso,E) - Fiordaliso [#36]
Fidati (by ?) - Raffaella Carrà [#20]
Fight for ourselves (by Kemp,G) - Spandau Ballet [#7]
Il Fiume (by Garbo) - Garbo
The Flame (by ?) - Arcadia [#43]
Flamenco Amorespia (by ?) - Sergio Caputo
For America (by Browne,J) - Jackson Browne
Fotografando (by Mango,A) - Loredana Bertè
Friends will be friends (by Mercury,F) - Queen [#49]
Fuggo dal nulla (by Cassano - Cogliati,A - Ramazzotti,E) - Eros Ramazzotti
Futuro (by Balsamo,U - Raggi) - Orietta Berti [#43]
Gabriel's oboe [da 'Mission'] (by Morricone,E) - Ennio Morricone
Geil (by Earlam - Hammond,B) - Bruce and Bongo [#4]
Gelosia (Jealousie) (by Gadé,J) - Adriano Celentano
Geronimo's Cadillac (by Bohlen,D) - Modern Talking [#27]
Ghost dancing (by ?) - Simple Minds [#46]
Giorni infiniti (by Facchinetti,R - Negrini,V) - I Pooh
Gira nel mio cerchio (by Renzulli,F) - Litfiba
Giulio Cesare (by Venditti,A) - Antonello Venditti
Glory of love (by Cetera,P - Foster,D) - Peter Cetera
Go home (by ?) - Stevie Wonder (1985)
A Good heart (by McKee,M) - Fergal Sharkey (1985) [#17]
Goodbye is forever (by ?) - Arcadia
Grande grande amore (by D'Orazio,S - Fabrizio,M) - Lena Biolcati [#21]
Greatest love of all (by Creed,L - Masser,M) - Whitney Houston [#13]
Harlem shuffle (by Nelson - Relf) - The Rolling Stones [#7]
Heaven (by Aldrighetti,E - Bosé,M - Leoravante,V) - Miguel Bosè [#11]
Heaven in your eyes (by Dean,P - Dexter - Moore - Reno,M) - Loverboy
Hi! Hi! Hi! (by Cretu,M - Cretu,T - Hirschburger,K - Kemmler,H) - Sandra [#8]
Hi ho (Whistle while you work) (by ?) - Bruce and Bongo (1987) [#40]
Higher love (by Jennings - Winwood,S) - Stevie Winwood [#41]
Highway to freedom (by ?) - Fahrenheit 104 [#33]
Hit that perfect beat (by Bronski,S - Somerville,J - Steinbacheck,L) - Bronski Beat [#7]
Holding back the years (by Hucknell,M - Moss,N) - Simply Red [#30]
Holiday rap (by Bennett - Hudson - Stevens - Veen - Welch - Witteveen) - M.C. Miker G & D.J. Sven [#1]
Home (is where the heart is) (by ?) - Drum Theatre [#39]
The Honeythief (by McCleod - Mc Elhone,J - Skinner,G - Trovers,H) - Hipsway [#17]
How will I know (by Merrill,G - Rubicarn,S - Walden,NM) - Whitney Houston (1985) [#26]
Human (by Harris - Lewis,T) - The Human League [#17]
Hunting high and low (by Waaktaar) - A-Ha [#10]
Hymne for Barilla (Hymn) (by Vangelis) - Press Agency [#13]
I can't wait (by Smith,Y) - Nu Shooz [#9]
I do what I do (by Des Barres - Elias - Taylor,J) - John Taylor [#6]
I' faccio 'o show (by Arbore,R - Mattone,C) - Renzo Arbore
I feel you (by ?) - Matia Bazar [#28]
I'll be over you (by Goodrum,R - Lukather,S) - Toto [#33]
I'm not perfect (but I'm perfect for you) (by ?) - Grace Jones [#22]
I'm your man (by Michael,G) - Wham! (1985) [#2]
In a lifetime (by Brennan - Brennan) - Clannad [#30]
In too deep (by Banks,A - Collins,P - Rutherford,M) - Genesis
In your eyes (by Gabriel,P) - Peter Gabriel
Innamoratissimo (tu che fai battere forte il mio cuore) (by Conforti - La Bionda,A - Minellono,C - Righeira) - I Righeira [#7]
Innocent love (by Herter - Hirschburger - Kemmler - Muller) - Sandra [#9]
Invisible touch (by Banks,A - Collins,P - Rutherford,M) - Genesis [#21]
Io che credevo (by ?) - Luca Sardella [#51]
Io nascerò (by Mango - Salerno) - Loretta Goggi [#6]
Ipnotica (by Aldrighetti - Bassano) - Meccano [#49]
Is it love (by ?) - Mr. Mister
Is your love strong enough (by Ferry,B) - Bryan Ferry [#25]
La Isla bonita (by Gaitsch,B - Leonard,P - Madonna) - Lucia [#43]
Italians a go go (by ?) - I Righeira [#26]
I've been losing you (by Waaktaar,P) - A-Ha [#11]
Je t'aime moi non plus (by Gainsbourg,S) - Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg (1967)
Jeanny (by Bolland,F - Bolland,R - Falco) - Falco [#14]
Juke box boy (by ?) - Baltimora [#12]
Just can't stand it (by ?) - Matt Bianco [#34]
Just for money (by ?) - Paul Hardcastle [#28]
A Kind of magic (by Mercury,F) - Queen
King Arthur (by ?) - Valerie Dore [#31]
King for a day (by ?) - Thompson Twins (1985)
Kiss (by Prince) - Prince and the Revolution [#9]
Kiss me Licia (by Valeri Maneri,A / Martelli,GB) - Cristina D'Avena (1985) [#7]
Kisses in the moonlight (by ?) - George Benson [#46]
Kyrie (by George - Lang - Page) - Mr. Mister [#51]
L is for lover (by Gamson - Gartside) - Al Jarreau [#26] 
Lancelot (by Tasini,M - Zanini,S) - Valerie Dore [#11]
Lei verrà (by Mango - Salerno) - Mango [#4]
Lessons in love (by Badarou - Gould - King) - Level 42 [#2]
Life's what you make it (by ?) - Talk Talk [#14]
Limelight (by Parsons,A - Woolfson,E) - Alan Parsons Project
Little girl (by Cretu,M - Cretu,T - Hirschburger - Kemmler - Lohr) - Sandra [#11]
Live to tell (by Leonard,P - Madonna) - Madonna [#1] 
Livin' on a prayer (by Bon Jovi,J - Child,D - Sambora,R) - Bon Jovi
Living in America (by Brown,J) - James Brown (1985) [#13]
Living in another world (by ?) - Talk Talk [#26]
Living in the past (by ?) - Drum Theatre [#34]
Looking for love (by Chieregato,M - Hooker,T - Turatti,R) - Tom Hooker [#6]
A Love bizarre (by ?) - Sheila E.
Love comes quickly (by Lowe - Tenannt) - Pet Shop Boys (1985) [#35]
Love in your eyes (by Limahl - Moroder,G) - Limahl [#22]
Love me Licia (by Valeri Manera,A / Martelli,GB) - Cristina D'Avena [#10]
Love missile F1-11 (by ?) - Sigue Sigue Sputnik [#27]
Love touch (by ?) - Rod Stewart [#19]
Love will conquer all (by Phillinganes,G - Richie,L - Weil,C) - Lionel Richie
Lunedicinema (by Dalla,L) - Stadio & Lucio Dalla (1985)
Ma che ce azzecco 'i cu' stu country (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Ma come fa la gente sola (Eleanor Rigby) (by Albini - Lennon,J - McCartney,P)- Adriano Celentano
Ma non finisce mica qui (by Fabrizio - Morra) - Francesco Hertz [#52]
Mad about you (by Brown - Whelan) - Belinda Carlisle [#23]
Magic dance (by ?) - David Bowie [#40]
Magica magica Emi (by Valeri Manera,A / Martelli,GB) - Cristina D'Avena [#22]
Manic Monday (by Prince) - Bangles [#19]
Manzo (by Bigazzi - Marati - Savio) - Gli Squallor
Il Mare dei papaveri (by Cocciante,R - Mogol) - Riccardo Cocciante
Marilyn (by Cocciante,R) - Riccardo Cocciante
A Matter of trust (by Joel,B) - Billy Joel
Memole dolce Memole (by Valeri Manera,A / Martelli,GB) - Cristina D'Avena [#17]
Merry Christmas Happy new year (by ?) - Sandy Marton [#44]
Mila e Shiro, due cuori nella pallavolo (by Valeri Manera,A / Carucci,C) - Cristina D'Avena [#44]
(How to be a) Millionaire (by Fry.M - White,M) - ABC (1985)
Mirage (by ?) - Scotch [#17]
Missionary man (by Lennox,A - Stewart,D) - Eurythmics
Modern lovers (by Marton,S - Valli,C) - Sandy Marton [#8]
Modern woman (by Joel,B) - Billy Joel
Mothers talk (by ?) - Tears For Fears
Mountains (by ?) - Prince and the Revolution
Move away (by Culture Club) - Culture Club & Boy George [#10]
My boss (by ?) - Linda Di Franco [#24]
Napoli (by ?) - Nino D'Angelo
Nasty (by ?) - Janet Jackson
La Nave va (by Civai) - Aleandro Baldi [#45]
Nessun dolore (by Mango - Salerno) - Anna Bussotti
Nessuno mai più (by ?) - Dori Ghezzi [#46]
Never as good as the first time (by Adu,S - Matthewman) - Sade
Never too late (by ?) - Kissing The Pink [#45]
No East no West (by Migliacci - Scialpi - Thoty) - Scialpi [#15]
No easy way out (by Tepper,R) - Robert Tepper
No one is to blame (by Jones,H) - Howard Jones [#14]
Nobody's fool (by ?) - Cinderella
Noche a Bahia (by ?) - Ciao Fellini [#46]
Notorious (by Le Bon,S - Rhodes - Taylor) - Duran Duran [#1]
Una Notte in Italia (by Fossati,I) - Ivano Fossati 
Nuovi eroi (by Cassano - Cogliati,A - Ramazzotti,E) - Eros Ramazzotti
Nuovo amore mio (by ?) - Flavia Fortunato [#45]
On my own (by Bacharach,B - Sager,CB) - Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald [#43]
Once more (by Pegoraro,G - Quaye,K) - Taffy [#3]
L'Onda (by Cocciante,R - Mogol) - Riccardo Cocciante (1985) [#18]
Onde (by La Bionda,C - Schirone,G - Schirone,S) - Schirone [#14]
One hit (to the body) (by ?) - The Rolling Stones
One of the living (by ?) - Tina Turner (1985) [#49]
One step (by Kissing the Pink) - Kissing The Pink [#2]
Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) (by Loewe - Tennant) - Pet Shop Boys (1985) [#46]
Our revolution (by ?) - Moses [#35]
Ouragan (by Leonor,M - Musumarra,R) - Stephanie [#13]
Over and over (by ?) - Madonna [#49]
Overjoyed (by ?) - Stevie Wonder (1985)
Padrone del tuo cuore (by Cellamare,R - Curreri,G) - Ron
Papa don't preach (by Elliott,B - Madonna) - Madonna [#1]
Pepè (by ?) - Pippo Franco [#28]
Peppino (by Venditti,A) - Antonello Venditti
Però quanno te dico vattenne (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Più amo più ti amo (by Facchinetti,R - Negrini,V) - I Pooh
Play back (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Il Portiere di notte (by Ruggeri,E) - Enrico Ruggeri 
Prendi la luna (by Concato,F) - Fabio Concato
Press (by McCartney,P) - Paul McCartney [#21]
Princes of the Universe (by Mercury,F) - Queen
Profumo (by Nannini,G - Panigiani) - Gianna Nannini
The Promise you made (by Kingsbery,P) - Cock Robin [#18]
The Promise (by ?) - Arcadia [#38]
Puffa di qua puffa di là (by Valeri Maneri,A / Martelli,GB) - Cristina D'Avena
Quando l'unica sei tu (by Cogliati - Ferrara) - Ivano Calcagno
Questa insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere (by Venditti,A) - Antonello Venditti
Rage hard (by Gill - Johnson - Nash - O'Toole) - Frankie Goes to Hollywood [#5]
Re (by Mango,A - Mango) - Loredana Bertè [#28]
Real wild child (by ?) - Iggy Pop
Resta (by Renzulli,F) - Litfiba
Revolution (by ?) - Martinelli [#27]
Ribelle su questa terra (by Miani - Montanari) - Miani
Rien ne va plus (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Rien ne va plus (by Ruggeri,E) - Enrico Ruggeri 
Rispetto (by Fornaciari,Z) - Zucchero
Rocky, Rambo e Sting (by ?) - Antonello Venditti
Rogne (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
La Rosa dell'inverno (by Mango - Salerno,A) - Mango
Rumors (by Hall - Marshall - Thompson) - Timex Social Club [#10]
Run to me (by Bais - Foster - Pegoraro) - Tracy Spencer [#1]
Russians (by Sting) - Sting (1985) [#2] 
Sanctify yourself (by Simple Minds) - Simple Minds [#27]
Sara (by Wolf) - Starship (1985)
Say it say it (by ?) - E.G. Daily [#22]
Say you say me (by Richie,L) - Lionel Richie (1985) [#3]
Scherzi della vita (by Cassano - Panceri) - Gigi Panceri
Se io fossi un angelo (by Costa,R - Dalla,L) - Lucio Dalla
Secret separation (by ?) - Fixx
Senza te (by ?) - Orietta Berti [#50]
Senza un briciolo di testa (by Bella,G - Mogol) - Marcella [#4]
Settembre (by Bella,A - Bella,G) - Marcella
Sexy girl (by Bonsanto - Hackett - Rossi) - Sabrina [#19]
Sfigato mambo (by Arbore,R - Mattone,C) - Renzo Arbore
Shine (by ?) - Mike Oldfield & John Anderson [#48]
Shouldn't have to be like that (by ?) - Fra Lippo Lippi
Sinful (by Wylie,P) - Pete Wylie [#16]
Sledgehammer (by Gabriel,P) - Peter Gabriel [#8] 
So (by ?) - Peter Gabriel [#28]
So cold the night (by Coles,R - Somerville,J) - The Communards
Sole sole (by ?) - Eugenio Bennato [#37]
Soli io e te (by Dalla,L) - Lucio Dalla
Something about you (by Badarou,W - Gould,P - Gould,R - King,M - Lindup,M) - Level 42 (1985) [#18]
Sorvolando Eilat (by Fabrizi,P - Mogol) - Fiorella Mannoia
S.O.S. bandido (by ?) - Carrara [#29]
The Sound of musik (by ?) - Falco [#42]
Spies like us (by McCartney,P) - Paul McCartney (1985) [#41]
Spirit in the sky (by Greenbaum,N) - Doctor and the Medics [#6]
Splendida e nuda (by ?) - Adriano Celentano & Claudia Mori
Stay with me (by Beauchamp,G - Kensit,P) - Eighth Wonder (1985) [#4]
Stay with me (by Aitken - Stock - Waterman) - Canton (1985) [#52]
Stripped (by Gore,ML) - Depeche Mode [#21]
Stuck with you (by ?) - Huey Lewis and the News [#58]
Suburbia (by Lowe,C - Tennant,N) - Pet Shop Boys (1985) [#18]
The Sun always shines on TV (by Waaktaar,P) - A-Ha (1985) [#11]
Sun City (by Little Steven) - Artists United Against Apartheid (1985) [#11]
Sweet freedom (by ?) - Michael McDonald [#27]
Sweet love (by Baker - Bias - Johnson) - Anita Baker
Take it easy (by ?) - Andy Taylor [#35]
Take me home (by ?) - Phil Collins (1985)
Take my breath away (by Moroder,G - Whitlock) - Berlin [#5]
Take on me (by Furuholmen,M - Harket,M - Waaktar,P) - A-Ha (1985) [#1]
The Taste of your tears (by ?) - King [#35]
Teleblu (by ?) - Heather Parisi [#43]
Telecomunicazioni sentimentali (by Minghi,A) - Amedeo Minghi
Terry B (by Facchinetti,R - Negrini,V) - I Pooh
That's life (by Gordon,K - Kay,D) - David Lee Roth
That's what friends are for (by Bacharach,B - Bayer Sager,C) - Dionne Warwick & Elton John & Stevie Wonder & Gladys Knight (1985) [#10]
That's what friends are for (by Bacharach,B - Bayer Sager,C) - Rod Stewart (1985) [#42]
Theme from Rambo II (by ?) - First Patrol (1985) [#32]
There'll be sad songs (to make you cry) (by ?) - Billy Ocean
Thorn in my side (by Lennox,A - Steward,D) - Eurythmics
Through the barricades (by Kemp) - Spandau Ballet [#2]
Throwing it all away (by Genesis) - Genesis
Ti lascio una canzone (by Paoli,G - Vessicchio,G) - Gino Paoli & Ornella Vanoni (1985) [#33]
Ti sento (by Cossu,S - Marrale,C - Stellita,A) - Matia Bazar (1985) [#1] 
Time is tight (by ?) - Amii Stewart [#35]
To be a lover (by Bell,W - Jones,BT) - Billy Idol [#16]
Too much (by Grunberg - Plez - Schmidt) - Hong Kong Syndikat [#7]
Torn in my side (by ?) - Eurythmics
Touch me (I want your body) (by Astrop,J - Harris,PQ - Shreeve,M) - Samantha Fox [#3]
Trio vocale militare (by ?) - Sergio Caputo
True blue (by Bray,S - Madonna) - Madonna [#4]
True colors (by Kelly - Steinberg) - Cyndi Lauper [#8] 
Tu vecchia mutanda tu (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Tutto matto (by Bardotti,S - Caruso,P) - Lorella Cuccarini [#6]
Two people (by ?) - Tina Turner [#10]
Typical male (by Briite,T - Lyle,G) - Tina Turner [#8]
Underground (by Bowie,D) - David Bowie [#18]
Uno su mille (by Fia,R - Migliacci,F) - Gianni Morandi (1985) [#31]
Uno sull'altro (by Armenise,M - Armenise,P) - Marco Armani [#44]
L'Uomo di ieri (by Castelnuovo - Chiocchio) - Paola Turci
L'uomo perfetto (by ?) - Adriano Celentano
U.S.S.R. (by Chiriegato,M - Hooker,T - Turatti,R) - Eddy Huntington [#21]
Vai (by D'angelo,N / Annona) - Nino D'Angelo [#11]
Una Vecchia mattonella (by ?) - Renzo Arbore
Venus (by Van Leeuwen) - Bananarama [#4]
Verde smeraldo (by Brioschi,R - Lauzi,B) - Marcella
Le Verdi cattedrali della memoria (by Minghi,A) - Amedeo Minghi
Veronica verrai (Veronica you'll come) (by Albini - Bigazzi - Katamar) - Adriano Celentano
Verso il 2000 (by Cheli - De Santis - Eliop) - Flavia Fortunato [#33]
Via di qua (by Calabrese,G - Pani,M) - Mina & Fausto Leali [#12]
Via Margutta (by Barbarossa,L) - Luca Barbarossa [#28]
Victory (by ?) - Kool and the Gang [#16]
Vienna calling (by ?) - Falco
Il violinista di Dooney (by ?) - Angelo Branduardi
La Vita è molto di più (by ?) - Pupo & Fiordaliso [#29]
Walk of life (by Knopfler,M) - Dire Straits (1984)
Walk this way (by Perry,J - Tyler,S) - Run DMC & Aerosmith [#12]
War (by Strong,B - Whitfield,N) - Bruce Springsteen [#10]
Wasted years (by ?) - Iron Maiden
The Way it is (by ?) - Bruce Hornsby and the Range [#50]
We need protection (by Bastow - Debusmann - Hind) - Picnic at the Withe House [#6]
West End girls (by Lowe,C - Tennant,N) - Pet Shop Boys (1985)
What is the colour of money (by Rogers,H - Rose) - Hollywood Beyond [#26]
When the going gets tough the tough get going (by Brathwaite,W - Eastmond,B - Lange,RJ - Ocean,B) - Billy Ocean [#16]
When the wind blows (by ?) - David Bowie [#35]
When tomorrow comes (by Lennox,A - Seymour - Stewart) - Eurythmics [#16]
When your heart is weak (by ?) - Cock Robin (1985) [#26]
Where did your heart go (by ?) - Wham! [#34]
Who made who (by ?) - AC/DC
Wild on the isle (by ?) - Linda Wesley [#39]
Wild wild life (by ?) - Talking Heads
Without your love (by Paich,D) - Toto
Wonderland (by Cook,B) - Paul Young [#14]
You are my world (by Coles,R - Somerville,J) - The Communards [#29]
You can call me Al (by Simon,P) - Paul Simon
You can leave your hat on (by Newman,R) - Joe Cocker [#1]
You can leave your hat on (by Newman,R) - Randy Newman
Young love (carry me away) (by ?) - Jim Diamond [#49]

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