Thursday, August 25, 2011

US: Women in TV faring badly

A recent study of women working in U.S. television, both in front of and behind the cameras, indicates the number has dropped from just a year ago.
The Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University released its most recent study of job opportunities in the industry, thewrap.com reported Tuesday. The news is the worst for writers, with just 15 percent of writers for prime-time shows on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and the CW being female, the study found. Women directors were also having a hard time finding work; while 16 percent of director's spots in the 2009-10 season went to women; that figure dropped to 11 percent this year.
In front of the cameras, the news was only slightly better, where 41 percent of on-air characters were female contrasted with last season's 43 percent. The Center, which has been conducting its study since the 1995-96 season, said the study suggested the decrease in the number of women behind the camera could be tied to the lower number of females in front of the camera, thewrap.com reported.

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