Wednesday, January 31, 2018


In Music History

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2017Deke Leonard of Man dies at age 72.
2017John Wetton of King Crimson and Asiadies at age 67 after a battle with cancer.
2015Neo soul singer D'Angelo makes his debut appearance on SNL, performing "Really Love" and "The Charade" from his latest album, Black Messiah. His band, the Vanguard, wore t-shirts with the slogans "Black Lives Matter" and "I Can't Breathe" in reference to the controversial deaths of unarmed black men Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of white policemen in 2014. The singer also donned a hooded sweatshirt as a nod to Trayvon Martin, who suffered a similar fate in 2012. 
2010The Record Academy honors Leonard Cohen with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. During his acceptance speech, Cohen comments on his surprise at receiving a Grammy, joking that he "was always touched by the modesty of [the Recording Academy's] interest in my work."
2009Dewey Martin (drummer for Buffalo Springfield) dies at age 68. The cause of death is unknown, but he had been suffering from health problems for the last few years.
2008Britney Spears' family helps orchestrate an intervention that lands her in the psychiatric ward of UCLA's hospital. She's taken by ambulance, which gets a police escort and draws a frenzy of media attention. The next day, her father is named as her conservator, as a court rules that Britney cannot care for herself. She is released a few days later and starts getting her life back together. Later in February, her saga is detailed in Rolling Stone; she appears on the cover with the headline, "Britney Spears: Inside An American Tragedy."
2001After Barry Mason, who co-wrote the Tom Jones hit "Delilah," tells The Sun that the song was inspired by a woman named Delia from Llandudno in North Wales, the UK newspaper asks readers to help track her down. The search is aborted when Mason's ex-wife - who co-wrote the song - calls in to explain that "Delia" does not exist, and that the name came from the story of Samson and Delilah.
1999Cher sings the national anthem at Super Bowl XXXIII in Miami; Stevie Wonderperforms at the halftime show.
1998The Bruce Springsteen "Come Together" benefit concert, organized for the family of a New Jersey police officer killed in the line of duty, turns into an impromptu E Street Band reunion that also features Southside Johnny and other Jersey musicians.
1993Michael Jackson performs with 3,500 local children at the Superbowl XXVII in Pasadena, California.
1989AlabamaSouthern Star
1988Herb Alpert performs the US national anthem at Superbowl XXII in San Diego, California; Chubby Checker performs at the halftime show.
1985Barbara Cowsill (The Cowsills)
1985John Fogerty plays his first live show in years, performing with Albert Lee and Booker T. Jones at the A&M Soundstage in Hollywood. It harkens a return for Fogerty, who two weeks earlier released Centerfield, his first album in 10 years.
1981Justin Timberlake is born in Memphis, Tennessee.
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Beyonce, Taylor Swift Break Grammy Award Records

Taylor Swift and Beyonce sweep the Grammy Awards with record-breaking wins. Earning Album of the Year for Fearless at age 19, Swift is the youngest artist to ever win the award. Beyoncé wins six out of ten nominations - including Song of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) " - giving her the most wins in one night of any female artist. 
It's been four months since Beyoncé and Taylor Swift shared the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards after the notorious Kanye Westcontroversy. Beyoncé invited the first-time Moonman winner onstage to finish her acceptance speech for Best Female Video, which was cut short earlier in the night by West's outburst that the "Single Ladies" singer deserved the prize. Tonight is just as exciting for the pair, but for happier reasons. Swift nabs four awards: two for "White Horse" (Best Female Country Vocal Performance and Best Country Song) and two for Fearless (Best Country Album and Album of the Year). She performs her pop hit "Today Was a Fairytale."

Beyoncé wins six awards: three for "Single Ladies" (Song of the Year, Best R&B Song, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance), and more for I Am… Sasha Fierce (Best Contemporary R&B Album), "Halo" (Best Female Pop Vocal Performance) and "At Last" (Best Traditional R&B Performance). She also performs "If I Were a Boy" and a cover of Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know."

Other big wins include Kings of Leon for "Use Somebody" as Record of the Year and Zac Brown Band for Best New Artist. Michael Jackson, who died June 25, 2009, is honored with a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award and several artists perform his hit songs throughout the evening. Folk rocker Leonard Cohen is also recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for a career spanning nearly half a century. "I never thought I'd get a Grammy Award." Cohen says in his acceptance speech. "In fact, I was always touched by the modesty of their interest to my work."
Imam Baildi Speakeasies Poster
Oι Imam Baildi ζωντανά στο Fix Factory of Sound στη Θεσσαλονίκη
Μαζί τους οι Speakeasies Swing Band

Πότε; Σάββατο 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2018
Που; Fix Factory of Sound (26ης Οκτωβρίου 15, τηλέφωνο κρατήσεων: 2310500670)
Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις: 21.00. Ώρα έναρξης: 22.00
Προπώληση: 11 ευρώ. Ταμείο: 13 ευρώ.
Εισιτήρια μπορείτε να προμηθευτείτε από:
Stereodisc Record Shop (Αριστοτέλους 4, τηλ.2310 262912)
Colored Coffee (Αγίας Σοφίας 38, τηλ.2310 226895)
Σάρωθρον Café Bar (Κατούνη 17, Λαδάδικα, τηλ.2310 538282)
Αρκούδα (Κ.Μελενίκου 20, τηλ. 2315 505898)
Διώροφον Café Bar (Κερασούντος 81, Καλαμαριά, τηλ.2310 453998)
Jollity Café Bar (Παύλου Μελά 25, Εύοσμος, τηλ.2310 759409)
‘Η ηλεκτρονικά στο www.tickethouse.gr

Οι Imam Baildi μετά την υπέροχη συναυλιακή εμπειρία της παραμονής πρωτοχρονιάς στη Πλατεία Αριστοτέλους, επισκέπτονται τη Θεσσαλονίκη αυτή τη φορά λίγο λίγο πριν την έναρξη του καρναβαλιού γεμάτοι διάθεση να ξεσηκώσουν το κοινό για ακόμη μία φορά.

Σειρά έχει το Σάββατο 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, το Fix Factory of Sound, με τους Imam Baildi να έρχονται με ένα και μόνο σκοπό Να στήσουν ένα μεγάλο πάρτυ που θα ξεκινήσει με την μοναδική ενέργεια των Speakeasies Swing Band, ενός συγκροτήματος που έφερε με το ταλέντο και τη φαντασία του το Swing ξανά στην επικαιρότητα.

Ετοιμαστείτε λοιπόν μία μοναδική συναυλιακή εμπειρία, ένα πρόγραμμα που θα κρατήσει περισσότερες από τρεις ώρες, όπου θα “παρελάσει” ένα φάσμα ακουσμάτων, γεμάτο αγαπημένα κομμάτια, καινουριο υλικό και εκρηκτικές στιγμές.

Σας περιμένουμε.

Οι Imam Baildi είναι: Ορέστης Φαληρέας: DJ, μπάσο || Λύσανδρος Φαληρέας: drums, κρουστά, πλήκτρα || Ρένα Μόρφη: Τραγούδι || MC Yinka: Ραπ, Φωνητικά || Γιάννης Δίσκος: Σαξόφωνο, Κλαρίνο || Λάμπης Κουντουρόγιαννης: Ηλ. Κιθάρα || Χρήστος Σκόνδρας: Μπουζούκι||Αγαπητός Καταξάκης: Ηχοληψία

Οι Speakeasies είναι: Κατερίνα Σισσίνι: Τραγούδι || Μανώλης Σταματιάδης: Πιάνο || Παναγιώτης Καρνούτσος: Ηλ. Κιθάρα || Χρήστος Παπαδόπουλος: Κλαρινέτο || Γιάννης Νταλιάνης: Ακ.Κιθάρα || Παναγιώτης Βουλγαράκης: Κοντραμπάσο || Στέργιος Κόιας: Τύμπανα
Facebook Event:
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Νέες εκθεσιακές συνεργασίες και διείσδυση Ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων
 στις ΗΠΑ με τη στήριξη της ΔΕΘ-Helexpo

Η προσέλκυση Αμερικανικών επιχειρήσεων στην 83η ΔΕΘ, αλλά και η ανάπτυξη νέων εκθεσιακών συνεργασιών προς όφελος των πιο δυναμικών και εξωστρεφών κλάδων της ελληνικής οικονομίας, αποτέλεσαν τους στόχους της πρόσφατης μετάβασης της διοίκησης της ΔΕΘ-Helexpo στις ΗΠΑ.
Οι ΗΠΑ αποτελούν την Τιμώμενη Χώρα της 83ης ΔΕΘ και στο πλαίσιο αυτό εντείνονται οι επαφές με φορείς και επιχειρήσεις των ΗΠΑ, που ενδιαφέρονται όχι μόνο να συμμετάσχουν στην έκθεση από τις 8-16 Σεπτεμβρίου του 2018, αλλά και να επεκτείνουν την εμπορική και επενδυτική τους παρουσία στη χώρα μας.
Ο Πρόεδρος της ΔΕΘ-Helexpo κ. Τάσος Τζήκας και ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της ΔΕΘ-Helexpo κ. Κυριάκος Ποζρικίδης αρχικά στο Λος Άντζελες ήρθαν σε επαφή με εταιρείες χημικών, τεχνολογίας, πληροφορικής και ενέργειας, προκειμένου να τις ενημερώσουν τόσο για την 83η ΔΕΘ, όσο και για τις δυνατότητες συνεργασιών με Ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις μέσω των δραστηριοτήτων του εθνικού εκθεσιακού φορέα.
Παράλληλα, πραγματοποιήθηκε ενημερωτική συνάντηση με μέλη του American Hellenic Council of California.
Εκτός από την Καλιφόρνια και το Λος Άντζελες, η διοίκηση της ΔΕΘ-Helexpo επισκέφτηκε και το Σαν Φρανσίσκο, όπου συζητήθηκε το ενδεχόμενο συνεργασίας με τον Δήμο της Αμερικανικής μεγαλούπολης (που είναι αδελφοποιημένος με τον Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης).
Στο εκθεσιακό κέντρο του Σαν Φρανσίσκο πραγματοποιήθηκαν επαφές με τον Αμερικανικό φορέα Specialty Food Association (SFA), ο οποίος συνενώνει κάτω από την στέγη του επιχειρηματίες, εισαγωγείς, διανομείς, εμπόρους και ειδικούς, οι οποίοι δραστηριοποιούνται στην Αμερικανική αγορά specialty foods με τζίρο 127 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων το 2016.
Ο SFA διοργάνωσε στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο από τις 21-23 Ιανουαρίου 2018 την Winter Fancy Food Show, μία από τις μεγαλύτερες εκθέσεις τροφίμων των ΗΠΑ. 
Στο πλαίσιο της συμφωνήθηκε να οργανωθεί επιχειρηματική αποστολή Αμερικανικών επιχειρήσεων του κλάδου των τροφίμων στην 83η ΔΕΘ, ενώ o SFA θα έχει παρουσία και στο επίσημο περίπτερο των ΗΠΑ με θέμα την τεχνολογία στα τρόφιμα (tech food).
Αντίστοιχα, θα υπάρξει αποστολή Ελληνικών βιομηχανιών τροφίμων στην Summer Fancy Food Show από τις 30 Ιουνίου-2 Ιουλίου του 2018 στη Νέα Υόρκη, όπου Τιμώμενη Χώρα θα είναι η Ελλάδα.

Με τον SFA η ΔΕΘ-Helexpo υπέγραψε Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας, το οποίο αφορά και την προώθηση των Ελληνικών προϊόντων στην αγορά των ΗΠΑ.


In Music History

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2015Record producer Suge Knight is arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of murder the day after he was involved in a hit-and-run that killed his friend Terry Carter and injured actor Cle Denyale Sloan. Knight was on the set of the N.W.A. biopic Straight Outta Compton when he allegedly argued with the two men, then followed them to a burger joint where he ran them down in the parking lot. Witnesses claim he even backed over the victims with his truck before leaving the scene, but Knight's lawyer insists he was fleeing for his own safety. 
2014Poison lead singer Bret Michaels introduces his new line of cologne: Roses & Thorns. Because every rose has its thorn.
2013Patty Andrews (lead singer of The Andrews Sisters) dies at age 94. She was the youngest and last surviving member of the group of singing sisters.
2002Freddy Fender is released from a San Antonio, Texas, hospital after successfully recovering from kidney transplant surgery.
1993The Eazy-E EP 5150 Home 4 tha Sick, his first recording since the end of N.W.A., debuts at #70 on the Billboard 200 chart.
1989Exodus releases their third studio album, Fabulous Disaster.
1989Singer Samantha Fish is born in Kansas City, Missouri.
1988Robbie Robertson of The Band appears on Saturday Night Live, making his first live TV appearance in 12 years.
1982Country blues musician Lightnin' Hopkins dies of esophageal cancer at age 69.
1980New Orleans bluesman Professor Longhair dies of a heart attack at age 61.
1979Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand's duet "No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)" becomes the first 12-inch single certified Gold by the RIAA.
1968Cilla Black's BBC show Cilla debuts, adding another Britgirl to the UK television lineup. Unlike the shows of Petula ClarkDusty SpringfieldSandie Shaw, and LuluCilla has longevity, lasting until 1976. This series makes her one of the most popular television personalities in the UK until her death in 2015.
1968Bobby Goldsboro records "Honey," a song written by Bobby Russell. It becomes one of the biggest hits of 1968, spending five weeks at #1 in the US.
1961Songwriters Jerry Leiber and Mike Stollerannounce that they are forming their own independent production company.
1961The Shirelles' "Will You Love Me Tomorrow?" hits #1 for the first of two weeks.
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The Beatles Rooftop Concert

The Beatles stage their famous rooftop concert on the roof of Apple Records in London. After performing a few songs, including "Get Back" and "Don't Let Me Down," the police shut them down as a large crowd gathers. It would be The Beatles' last public performance.
Maybe if the businessmen down below knew they were eavesdropping on the end of an era, they wouldn't have complained about the racket interrupting their lunch break. The rooftop concert is a bright spot in the tension-fueled recording sessions for what will become the Let It Be album and the accompanying Let It Bedocumentary. The band hasn't ventured outside the studio since the summer of 1966, when they gave their last paid concert performance in San Francisco's Candlestick Park, and is hoping to get back to their roots playing music without the aid of studio magic. 

Paul McCartney thought they could stage a live concert to promote the new album, with the footage doubling as the climax to the documentary film. But no one could decide on a venue. Suggestions range from a cruise ship to their old stomping ground the Cavern Club to the mouth of a volcano. Yoko Ono suggests they perform to an auditorium of 20,000 empty seats. A frustrated George Harrison demands they nix the concert idea, which has become an albatross around their necks and is preventing them from making any real progress. But what is to become of the documentary without the concert?

No one knows exactly who came up with the idea, but heading up to the Apple rooftop was something everyone could finally agree on. Joined by keyboardist Billy Preston, the band – including Harrison and John Lennon bundled up in fur coats – launches into a brief but memorable set that blasts through the workday drudgery in the streets below. Besieged by noise complaints, the police make their way to the rooftop as a magnificently bearded McCartney belts out a third run-through of "Get Back" with the ad-libbed lyrics "You've been playing on the roofs again, and you know your Momma doesn't like it, she's gonna have you arrested!" 

Ringo Starr, who grudgingly agreed to take part in the performance, is enlivened by the possibility of an arrest: "Someone was complaining and the police came up and I just thought, 'We're on film. Drag me off the drums, or something.' But instead it was, 'Well, I'm afraid you've got to turn it down' and the plug was pulled. It could have been incredible. The Beatles carted off by the police. That would have been great."

The concert isn't capped by an arrest, but with Lennon quipping, "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we've passed the audition." 

By the time Let It Be hits theaters, the band has already broken up, but the rooftop performance becomes an iconic moment in the Beatles' pantheon and in rock history in general. Nearly two decades later, U2 stages a rooftop concert in Los Angeles for their "Where The Streets Have No Name" video in honor of the Beatles.