Monday, December 31, 2018


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Δύο ήταν οι κορυφαίοι χορευτές – χορογράφοι της μεγάλης οθόνης που μάγεψαν το κοινό του κινηματογράφου στον 20ο αιώνα κι αποτέλεσαν το πρότυπο για μια νέα γενιά χορογράφων και χορευτών: ο Φρεντ Ασταίρ και ο Τζην Κέλλυ.
Ο Τζην Κέλλυ (1912 – 96) ήταν ο χορευτής, που έγινε μια από τις μεγαλύτερες προσωπικότητες του Χόλλυγουντ, στις δεκαετίες του ’40 και του ’50, μολονότι οι ικανότητές του στο τραγούδι και στην υποκριτική ήταν κάτω από το μέσο όρο. Όταν πέρασε η μόδα των μιούζικαλ, στράφηκε στην σκηνοθεσία. Το 1951 η Κινηματογραφική Βιομηχανία τού απένειμε ειδικό Όσκαρ τιμώντας τον ηθοποιό, τραγουδιστή, σκηνοθέτη και χορευτή ειδικότερα για τα λαμπρά επιτεύγματα του στην τέχνη της χορογραφίας στον κινηματογράφο. Η πρώτη από τις τρεις συζύγους του ήταν η ηθοποιός Betsy Blair, από το 1941 – 57.
Ο Τζην Κέλλυ χορεύει ή τραγουδά στις ταινίες του με τους Φρεντ Ασταίρ, Φρανκ Σινάτρα, Τζούντι Γκάρλαντ, Ρίτα Χαίηγουορθ, Νίκολας Μπράδερς, Βέρα-Έλλεν, Βαν Τζόνσον, Νταν Ναίηλυ, Μάικλ Κιντ, Μίτσι Γκαίηνορ, τον αδελφό του Φρεντ Κέλλυ (είχαν μία μόνο συνεργασία στον κινηματογράφο), κ.α.
Από το 1974 – 85 ο Κέλλυ εμφανίστηκε σε 38 ταινίες. Τουλάχιστον 18 από αυτές ήταν καθαρόαιμα μιούζικαλ. Η MGM ήταν το μεγαλύτερο και το πιο ισχυρό στούντιο στο Χόλλυγουντ το 1941, όταν ο Κέλλυ έφθασε εκεί με την προοπτική να γυρίσει μια ταινία. Είχε έρθει από το Μπροντγουαίη, όπου θριάμβευσε στο “Pal Joey” και σκόπευε να επιστρέψει όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα. Η πρώτη του ταινία για την MGM ήταν το “For me and my gal” (1942), που προβλήθηκε στην Ελλάδα με τίτλο «Για σένα π’αγαπώ».
Συμπρωταγωνίστριά του ήταν η Τζούντυ Γκάρλαντ. Αυτό που κράτησε τον Κέλλυ στο
Χόλλυγουντ ήταν η απίστευτη δεξαμενή ταλέντου που υπήρχε εκεί. Λόγω του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου το Χόλλυγουντ έγινε καταφύγιο για λαμπρούς Ευρωπαίους μουσικούς, ηθοποιούς και άλλους καλλιτέχνες.
Όσοι είδαν το φιλμ του 1951 «Ένας Αμερικανός στο Παρίσι» αιχμαλώτισαν για πάντα στις σκέψεις τους το Παρίσι, όπου χόρευε ο Τζην Κέλλυ με μουσική του Τζωρτζ Γκέρσουϊν, ειδικά το μπαλέτο των 17 λεπτών, στο φινάλε του φιλμ, που αποτελεί αποθέωση της χορευτικής έμπνευσης του Κέλλυ και το απόγειο της χορευτικής δημιουργικής του φαντασίας.
Ένα άλλο μιούζικαλ με τον Κέλλυ, το «Τραγουδώντας στην βροχή», έδωσε το αθάνατο χορευτικό παραλήρημα του ερωτευμένου Κέλλυ, υπό βροχήν, που είναι το διασημότερο απόσπασμα απ’όλα τα μιούζικαλς του 20ου αιώνα.

Ο Κέλλυ ήταν της ίδιας κλάσεως με τον Φρεντ Ασταίρ, αλλά αντί για ημίψηλο και φράκο φορούσε ρούχα εργασίας που ταίριαζαν, άλλωστε, στο αρρενωπό, αθλητικό χορευτικό στυλ, το οποίο τον έκανε να ξεχωρίζει, είτε είχε παρτναίρ την Τζούντυ, την Ρίτα ή Βέρα-Έλλεν, είτε μια εφημερίδα, ένα σκουπόξυλο ή μια ομπρέλα.


December 31st: On this Day
1961, The Beach Boys made their live debut using their new name when they appeared at Long Beach Civic Auditorium, California. 
1962, During his first visit to the UK Bob Dylan played at the King And Queen pub in London. Dylan had arrived in the UK on 17th Dec after British TV director Philip Saville had heard Dylan perform in Greenwich Village, and had invited him to take part in a BBC television drama: The Madhouse On Castle Street. 
1963, The Kinks made their live debut when they played at the Lotus House Restaurant, London. Now recognised as one of the most important and influential rock acts of the era, brothers Ray Davies and Dave Davies remained members throughout the group's 32-year run. 
1966, The Monkees started a 7-week run at No.1 on the US singles charts with the Neil Diamond song 'I'm A Believer'. Also No.1 in the UK in 1967. 
1967, American songwriter and producer Bert Berns died of heart failure aged 38. He wrote many classic songs including 'Twist And Shout', 'Hang On Sloopy', ‘Here Comes the Night’, ‘I Want Candy’, ‘Under the Boardwalk’, ‘Everybody Needs Somebody to Love’ and 'Brown Eyed Girl'. 
1970, Paul McCartney filed a suit against the rest of The Beatles to dissolve their partnership. According to the court documents, McCartney's main reason for wanting to legally break up the group stemmed from the decision taken by the others to to appoint Rolling Stones manager Allan Klein as their manager. McCartney didn't trust Klein and had wanted his new in-laws, Lee and John Eastman, to look after their affairs. The suit took more than four years of court hearings, with the group officially disbanding in January 1975. 
1973, Australian band AC/DC made their live debut when they appeared at Chequers Bar in Sydney. 
1979, David Bowie performed an acoustic version of 'Space Oddity'  on the UK TV 'Kenny Everett New Year's Show'. Bowie was also seen on the Dick Clark TV show in the US on this date, on his Salute To The Seventies. 
1982, Max's Kansas City in New York City closed down. The venue had been a launching pad for such artists as The New York Dolls, Bruce Springsteen and The Velvet Underground. 
1984, Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen crashed his Corvette Stingray, on the A57 outside Sheffield, Allen lost his left arm in the accident. Allen was on his way to a New Year's Eve party at his family's home when a Jaguar passed him. The driver had been egging Allen on and would not allow him to pass. In his rage to pass this driver, he did not see a turn up ahead and lost control of his car. He was thrown from the car, with his left arm severed due to the seatbelt not being properly fastened. 
1985, Ricky Nelson was killed along with six others, when his charted light aircraft crashed in Texas. It's rumoured that freebasing cocaine caused an onboard explosion. Nelson had played himself on his parent's US TV The Adventures Of Ozzie and Harriet.' (1958 US No.1 'Poor Little Fool', 1961 UK No.2 single 'Hello Mary Lou' plus over 30 US Top 40 hit singles). 
1991, Pearl Jam, Nirvana and the Red Hot Chili Peppers all appeared on the same bill at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, California. 
1996, Paul McCartney became a Sir after he was listed in the Queens New Year's Honours List. 
1999, The Manic Street Preachers performed to 57,000 fans at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff. The Guinness Book of Records confirmed that the concert set a new record as the biggest indoor show ever staged in Europe, tickets £30. 
2000, Janet Jackson's estranged husband filed a lawsuit against the singer claiming that Jackson, who had sold more than 40 million records, promised to share equally any assets acquired after their relationship began in 1987. 
2003, Kevin MacMichael, guitarist with Cutting Crew died of lung cancer aged 51. (1987 US No.1 & 1986 UK No.4 single 'I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight'). Also worked with Robert Plant and The Rankin Family. 
2004, Pete Waterman was awarded an OBE for his services to music. Once part of the Stock, Aitken & Waterman team he also booked the first ever tour for The Bay City Rollers, signed Musical Youth and Nik Kershaw during the 70’s and was promotion consultant for John Travolta. Waterman had written and produced more than 200 hit singles in 25 years for acts from Kylie Minogue to Steps. 
2005, According to official figures singer-songwriter James Blunt's 'Back To Bedlam' was the biggest selling UK album of 2005. The former soldier, who was virtually unknown this time last year, outsold Coldplay's album 'X&Y' which finished second and Robbie Williams came in third place with ‘Intensive Care’ album. The rest of the Top 10: No.4. Kaiser Chiefs - ‘Employment’, 5. Gorillaz - ‘Demon Days’, 6. Westlife - ‘Face To Face’, 7. KT Tunstall - ‘Eye To The Telescope’, 8. Kelly Clarkson - ‘Breakaway’, 9. Faithless - ‘Forever Faithless - The Greatest Hits’ and No.10, Eminem - ‘Curtain Call - The Hits’. 
2005, The John Lennon song Imagine was voted the nations favourite song a quarter of a century after his death. A UK radio station conducted the poll of 7,000 listeners. The Beatles were voted into second and third place with 'Hey Jude' and 'Let It Be.' 
2006, George Michael was paid a reported £1.5m for an hour's concert at a Russian billionaire's New Year party. The unnamed businessman paid for Michael to entertain his 300 guests on his private estate 20 miles outside Moscow. Michael had just finished the British leg of his Twentyfive tour which included a free concert for nurses in London. 
2009, Rick Parfitt and Francis Rossi from Status Quo were both appointed OBEs for services to music and charity. 
2012, A draft of a letter John Lennon written to Eric Clapton on Sept. 29, 1971 asking him to collaborate on a musical project sold for $35,000 at an auction. Still in pristine condition, the latter was originally estimated to fetch somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000. 
2015, American singer, songwriter Natalie Cole died aged 65 due to congestive heart failure. The daughter of Nat 'King' Cole, she had the 1989 UK No.2 single 'Miss You Like Crazy', and the hits 'This Will Be', 'Inseparable', and 'Our Love'. In the 1990s, she re-recorded standards by her father, resulting in her biggest success, Unforgettable... with Love, which sold over seven million copies and also won Cole numerous Grammy Awards. 
December 31st: Born on this day
1930, Born on this day, American singer, actress, guitarist, songwriter, and a civil and human rights activist Odetta. She influenced many of the key figures of the folk-revival of that time, including Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Mavis Staples, and Janis Joplin. Time magazine included her song 'Take This Hammer' on its list of the 100 Greatest Popular Songs. Martin Luther King Jr. called her the queen of American folk music. Odetta died on 2 December 2008 age 77. 
1942, Born on this day, English guitarist Andy Summers, The Police who scored the 1983 UK & US No.1 single 'Every Breath You Take', plus four other UK No.1 singles. Their second album Reggatta de Blanc became the first of five consecutive UK No. 1 albums and The Police won six Grammy Awards and two Brit Awards. Summers has composed music for films including 2010, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, The Wild Life and Weekend at Bernie's. 
1943, Born on this day, Henry John Deutschendorf, (John Denver), singer, songwriter. 1974 UK & US No.1 single 'Annie's Song'. Killed in a plane crash on 12th October 1997. 
1943, Born on this day, English musician Pete Quaife, the original bass guitarist for The Kinks from 1963 until 1969. Known for the 1964 UK No.1 & US No.7 single 'You Really Got Me', the 1967 UK No.2 single 'Waterloo Sunset'.
1947, Born on this day, Burton Cummings singer and songwriter from Canadian rock band Guess Who who had the 1970 US No.1 & UK No.19 single 'American Woman'. 
1948, Born on this day, US singer Donna Summer, (1977 UK No.1 single 'I Feel Love' 1979 US No.1 & UK No.11 single 'Hot Stuff, over 25 other top 40 hits). Summer became the first act to be signed by David Geffen to his new Geffen record label. She died on May 17, 2012, at her home in Naples, Florida at the age of 63. She was diagnosed with lung cancer not related to smoking. 
1951, Born on this day, Tom Hamilton, bassist with Aerosmith who scored the 1989 UK No.13 single 'Love In An Elevator', and their 1989 album Pump spent 53 weeks on the US charts They had the 1993 US No.1 & UK No.2 album Get A Grip and the 1998 US No.1 & UK No.4 single 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing'. Aerosmith is the best-selling American hard rock band of all time, having sold more than 150 million records worldwide. 
1951, Born on this day, Fermin Goytisolo, singer with American disco and funk group KC and the Sunshine Band who had the 1975 US No.1 single 'That's The Way, I Like It', and the 1983 UK No.1 single 'Give It Up'. 
1960, Born on this day, Paul Westerberg, lead singer, guitarist and songwriter from American rock band The Replacements, who released the 1984 album Let It Be. Initially a punk rock band, they are considered pioneers of alternative rock. 
1961, Born on this day, Scott Taylor, guitarist with English rock band Then Jerico who had the 1989 UK No.13 single 'Big Area'. 
1963, Born on this day, Scott Ian, Anthrax, (1991 UK No.16 single 'Got The Time'). 
1970, Born on this day, Danny McNamara, singer from English alternative rock band Embrace, who had the 2006 UK No. 2 single ‘Natures Law’, the 2006 UK No.1 album This New Day and two other UK No.1 albums. 
1972, Born on this day, Joey McIntrye, from American boy band New Kids On The Block, who had the 1989 UK No.1 single 'You Got It, The Right Stuff', and the 1990 US No.1 single 'Step By Step'. They enjoyed success in the late 1980s and early 1990s and have sold more than 80 million records worldwide 
1977, Born on this day, South Korean singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, record producer and television personality, PSY, (born Park Jae-sang), who had the 2012 internationally hit single 'Gangnam Style.' 
1979, Born on this day, Bob Bryar, drummer, with American rock band My Chemical Romance who had the 2006 UK No.1 single ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’, and the 2006 US No.2 album The Black Parade.