Sunday, January 7, 2024

On This Day in History

January 7


Historical Events

1610 Galileo Galilei discovers the first three moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa and Ganymede. 

1714 Typewriter patented by Englishman Henry Mill (built years later). 

1953 US President Harry Truman announces American development of the hydrogen bomb. 

1954 Georgetown-IBM experiment, first public demonstration of a machine translation system, is held at IBM's head office in New York. 

Tickets issued to former President Gerald Ford and his wife Betty

1999 President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial begins in the US Senate after the House voted to impeach him for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky

More Historical Events 

Famous Birthdays

Gregory XIII
1502 - 1585

Millard Fillmore
1800 - 1874

Lewis Hamilton
39th Birthday

Lamar Jackson
27th Birthday

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Catherine of Aragon
1485 - 1536

Nikola Tesla
1856 - 1943

More Famous Deaths 

Getting In a Spin On Saint Distaff’s Day

Distaff is not one of the best known saints; in fact he never existed. But January 7 is Saint Distaff’s Day and once one of seemingly dangerous fun and frolics. 

Saint Distaff’s Day 

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