Saturday, January 6, 2024

On This Day in History

January 6


Historical Events

1649 The English Rump Parliament votes to put King Charles I on trial for treason and other "high crimes". 

1912 Geophysicist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener presents his controversial theory of continental drift in a lecture at the Geological Association at the Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt. 

Eleanor Roosevelt studies the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1941 US President Franklin Roosevelt makes his "Four Freedoms" speech (freedom of speech and worship; freedom from want and fear) during his US State of Union address. 

1987 Astronomers at University of California see first sight of birth of a galaxy. 

2021 Supporters of US President Donald Trump storm the Capitol in Washington during congressional certification of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's win, resulting in five deaths and prompting evacuation of lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence. 

More Historical Events 

Famous Birthdays

Richard II
1367 - 1400

John Smith
1580 - 1631

Ban Johnson
1864 - 1931

Rowan Atkinson
69th Birthday

More Famous Birthdays 

Famous Deaths

Gregor Mendel
1822 - 1884

Sidney Poitier
1927 - 2022

More Famous Deaths 

Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms

President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his Four Freedoms speech on this day. It would form the basis of the UN Declaration of Human Rights three years later. 

FDR’s Four Freedoms 

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